Day with Demi

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Jordan's POV
Today was the day that Demi and were going to try and mend our broken friendship. Well actually the one that I broke and that she is now trying to fix. "Hey kid you ready to go?" Demi asks "Yeah even though i still don't know where we're going." I say she just smiles at me. "You'll see now come on we have a day of adventures ahead of us." She says as I rolled my eyes as I put on a random SnapBack that was in my room. I got into her car and decided to put on the radio as I heard the familiar tune to Body Say start. "Yes queen!" I say laughing at Demi's expression. "Oh my god please change the station." She says blushing. "I will right after this." I say pulling out my phone for a Snapchat video. "You can touch me with slow hands,speed it up baby make me sweat. Dreamland take me there cause I want your sex!" I sang recording Demi the whole time as her face just got redder and redder. I laughed as the video ended I posted the video to my story as Demi just shook her head. "As of my fans don't ship us enough." She says "Well you have kissed me like 3 times." I say "Okay one of those 3 times you kissed me." She says "You kissed back!" I defended as I stuck out my tongue at her. "Okay here's our first spot." Demi says as she parks on the side of the road. "No way! It's the Hollywood walk of fame!!" I say "You can't live in LA and not walk down the Hollywood walk of fame at least once." Demi says as she chuckles at my excitement. "Well I haven't had the chance to because of college and a bunch of other shit." I say as she laughs. We walked down the pathway stopping to take pictures of the people we recognized such as Michael Jackson,Elvis Presley and many more. "Hey maybe your name will be on one of these stars someday" Demi says smiling I chuckle as I rolled my eyes at her. "Like that's ever gonna happen." I say "I'm serious Jordan! It can happen if you're willing to put in the work and effort. You think these people got the star by just sitting around all day. Of course not. They worked their asses off to get to where they wanted to be." She says as I nodded agreeing with her. After a few more pictures we decided to head back to Demi's car. It was weird being alone with Demi I mean these past few weeks I maybe spoke a few words to her at a time but since I have decided to begin my recovery it almost feels like everything is falling into place. We pulled up to what looked to be a tattoo parlor and I chuckled. "Seriously Demi? You want another tattoo?!" I say raising my eyebrows at her. "Hey don't judge me okay. I just want a little smiley face on my pinky." She says as I rolled my eyes at her. "And I want you to draw it." My eyes widen "Oh hell no! I don't want to be responsible for you getting another tattoo you'll regret." I say as she laughs "Come on! I'm not gonna regret this one! Even if it comes out fucked up I'll treasure it always. Please Jordan! Please!" She says using her puppy eyes on me. God Damn it! "Fine. I'll draw the stupid smiley face." I say taking a sharpie from her glove compartment as she smiled and gave me her pinky. I drew the two dots and the curve that made it into a smiley face. "You should get a tattoo too!" She suggests as we head into the parlor. "Damn you just got me back and already you're being a bad influence on me Lovato." I say as she rolls her eyes. "Come on Jordan. Live a little and it doesn't have to be a huge dramatic one. It could be a cute small one like mine." She says "Fine I'll look around but I'm not saying I'm getting anything." I say "Mhm sure you won't." She says with a smirk on her face I chuckle and shook my head as I looked at the pictures of the small tattoos I could get. I flipped through the booklet of photos of small tattoos that people have gotten. Some looked pretty cool and I thought about getting something Music related. Since I was a kid Music has always had a huge impact on my life. Growing up there was always Music in the house. Whether it'd be some Demi song my sister was playing or some Maroon 5 song that came on the radio while I was helping my mom with chores. Music has always been a huge part of my life. I love just putting my headphones in and disappearing from reality for a little bit just singing along to songs I've heard maybe thousands of times but never get tired of listening to. That's one of the best feelings in the world to me. "Hey kid are you gonna get anything?" Demi asks pulling me out of my thoughts. "Uh yeah just give me a sec." I say as I look down at the booklet I see a tattoo that I really wanted to get.

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