Preparing for the Proposal

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Jordan's POV
"And here I thought Safe House was gonna save me from having to actually go through with my Criminal Justice major." I joked as Demi chuckled. We were currently back in LA because Demi had just released her single Sorry Not Sorry which is an absolute bop as the kids say nowadays. So that meant she would have to do some promotion for her single and all that stuff so we had all mutually decided that the best thing to do was to put our current tour on pause. It the right thing to do my band mates and I depended on Demi a lot on this tour. She keeps us on schedule and keeps us grounded. "And keep you from becoming a correctional officer like Officer James? No way!" Demi says sarcastically as I rolled my eyes at her. "Plus you still get to play MSG in a few weeks babe. It'll fly by before you know it!" She says trying to cheer me up. "It's just until MSG right?" I say while I was kinda excited cause this meant I could get everything ready for the proposal I also had to go at least three weeks without seeing my girlfriend. "Yes I promise! Now give me a kiss!" She demands as I laugh and grant her her wish. Oh how I wish I could freeze time I'd freeze this moment and just be here with Demi. "Hey Jones! I think Demi would rather not be late for her flight." Nicky says as we pulled back from the kiss. Demi leaned her forehead against mine and her eyes met mine. "I love you Jordan Jones." She says as I smile "I love you Demi Lovato. Always!" I say as she smiled and kissed me one more time before leaving to catch her flight. I sighed as I saw going into the line she looked over at me and smiled blowing a kiss my way as I pretended to catch and held close to my heart. She rolled her eyes and mouthed the word "dork" at me I smiled and waved her off as she got on the plane. "Alright come on dude! We need to get fitted for suits!" Matt says putting his hand on my shoulder. That's right suits we all made a decision that MSG was the big game! So we all needed to look our best. No band shirt or ripped jeans was gonna impress anyone not that we needed to impress anyone but still it was the day I was proposing to Demi. "So Jordan do you have everything mapped out?" Chris asks as he is now getting measured. "It's gonna be the last song of the night. I'll give this long speech about how we are all grateful to be up there but I'll mention somewhere in there that we wouldn't be anywhere without Demi. I'll ask her to get up on stage and I'll dedicate a song to her." I say starting to explain my plan. "And that song would be?" Nicky as she searches for her tie. "Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur. When both of us heard the song we thought it was cheesy but the more it came on the radio the more we realized how well it describes our relationship and how we felt about eachother." I say explaining the meaning behind the song. "Your turn Ms. Jones." The tailor said "Soon to be Lovato!" He says as I rolled my eyes at him. "That's if she says yes." I say as I spread my arms out so that the tailor can take my measurements. I've grown a bit so my suit from prom doesn't fit me anymore but I'm still shorter than Demi which sucks! "Are you kidding?! Jordan of course she's gonna say yes! You bailed her out of jail for fucks sake!" Nicky says making all of us laugh. "True but still she could easily say 'it's too early' or say she's 'not ready to settle down'." I argue "Jordan you guys have known eachother for years trust me it's not too early." Matt says "Yeah and plus we've all heard you guys firsthand talk about a future together. She's ready Jordan." Chris says "Question is: Are you?" Nicky asks as they all look at me waiting for an answer. "I'm more than ready. I just really wish my mom was still alive to witness me getting ready." I say as the tailor finishes and tells me my measurements. "We know Jordan but in a way she will be." Nicky says as I nodded smiling sadly as she pulls me in for a hug. Once we all decided on the suit we wanted we paid for them and I dropped the guys off at their place and I dropped Nicky off at her apartment. "Are you sure you don't want to come inside for a bit?" She asks as I shook my head. "There's something I've got to do. But I'll see you tomorrow in Sociology." I say as she rolls her eyes at me. "Don't remind me. Drive safe Jones!" She says "No promises Manson!" I say as she heads into her place. I turned the car back on and went to the nearest florist. I got the Yellow Roses that my mom loved so much and made the drive to Sacramento. I had already told my dad that I was planning on proposing to Demi so the only person left to tell was my mom. I was lucky the cemetery was open 24 hours. I made my way to my mom's grave and set the flowers by her headstone. "Hey mom." I say putting my hands in my pockets. "So you probably already know that I'm with Demi. Mom remember when I was 7 and I asked you how I was gonna be able to tell when I meet my soulmate. And you said "You'll know when your heart is always beating a bit faster when you're with them. You're smile will never leave your face and if it does the person will be there to put it back on. You'll know when you look at that person after being with them for so long and still feel the same way as when you first met them." Well mom I feel like that around Demi. I know it's only been a few months since we've gotten together but we've known eachother for years and I've felt this way about her for as long as I've known her and I never really realized it was love until recently." I paused for a minute letting a tear slip my eye. "I wish you could be here in person Mom. It's been a year since..." I took in a shaky breath not wanting to break down right now. "I miss you Mom. And I hope that you approve of my decision and attend the wedding. Even if I can't see you I want to feel like you're there. Okay I love you Mom." I say as I stood at my mom's grave I read her headstone over and over and then walked away. As I sat in the driver's seat of my car I let out a few silent sobs until it turned into a complete breakdown. That's when I saw the flashing blue and red lights. "Great." I muttered as I heard knocking at my window and rolled my window. "Something wrong Officer?" I asked "Jordan? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked. I turned to see Office James standing there with a look of concern on his face. "Nothing just um visiting my mom." I say wiping the tears from my eyes he sighs and looks out at the cemetery. "It must be hard. Not having your mom around." He says I nodded as I looked at him "I never realized how much I took her for granted." I say as he nods. "We never do until their gone." He says as I nodded. We had a moment of silence when he breaks it. "How's Demi?" He asks I smile thinking of my girlfriend. "She's good. We're actually together now. I'm actually planning to propose to her in a few weeks." I say as he smiles "That's great to hear Jordan. I would hope that I'm invited to the wedding?" He says in a question. "I wouldn't have it any other way Officer James." I say as he smiles "You're not that Kid I met a couple of years ago Jordan. You've grown so much since then and that's noticeable. Jordan you've grown into a young woman who I'm sure Demi is proud to call hers. I'm glad to have known you for so long Jordan and to have watched you grow. But Jordan you're still so young so don't rush into having kids okay?" Officer James says making me laugh "Okay Officer James how's Cody doing by the way?" I ask as he smiles "He's growing every day. He still talks about both you and Demi and wanting you both to babysit him." I smile remembering the little boy. I imagine he's not so little anymore. "I'll see if I can arrange something with Demi. Would you tell him I said hi?" I say as he nods "Of course! Good seeing you Jordan." I nodded smiling and turning on the ignition. "You too Officer James. See you at the wedding?" I ask as he nods "See you then Mrs. Lovato." He says winking at me as I rolled my eyes at him. Soon I was back home with Batman and Ella greeting me with tons of kisses. I went upstairs to brush my teeth and change into one of Demi's old shirts that still smelled like her and sweats. I got into bed and rolled over reaching for my girlfriend but soon realizing she wasn't there. My phone went off and I looked over to see that it was Demi facetiming me. I answered the phone to see her beautiful makeup less face and smile. "Hey baby!" She said in her baby voice as I smile "Hi babe! How was your first show?" I ask her as she smiles a little sparkle in her eyes as she told me how the crowd went crazy as she sang her new single. "What about you babe how was your day?" She asks I smile at her. "It was good the gang and I just went out for some pizza and then went back for a movie night at Nicky's. I actually just got home and now here I am in bed missing my girlfriend." I say pouting as she chuckles "I miss you too baby. But I promise I'm just a few short weeks we'll be able to cuddle and watch Orange is the new Black together." She says smiling at me. "Promise?" I ask her as she chuckles at my childlike behavior. "I promise Babe now go to sleep you have a 9 AM class. I seriously don't know how you'll be able to wake up without me there." She says as I laugh "Don't worry baby Nicky's giving me a ride to school and she'll kill me if I make her late." I say as Demi laughs her beautiful laugh. "Alright I'll call you tomorrow." She says yawning I smiled "Okay I love you Babe Goodnight Sweet Dreams my love." She smiles and blows me a kiss. "Goodnight baby I love you always Sweetest of Dreams!" She says I let her hang up and then set my phone on the bedside table. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling just thinking. Everyone who is important to me knows I'm about to propose to the love of my life. Now it was just about preparing for the proposal and letting the girl of my dreams know I want to make her my wife.
A/N: Hey guys! So this book is ending here pretty soon but don't worry I do plan on continuing Demi and Jordan's story and I'll explain that more in the next chapter! I've decided to put my full focus into this series so my other books may be on hold. I may be updating them as well but I will be updating this series mainly. Also thank you guys for 10k reads that's incredible you guys are amazing! Okay well until next time! Love you guys!

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