The Talk

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Jordan's POV
I was in my last class of the day and I honestly couldn't wait to get out of here. Demi and I had to discuss the whole make out session that she had with her best friend. I took out my phone and decided to text her real quick.
My Kid😝: Yo Demi so can we talk about something once I get home.
Superstar🌠: Yeah I've actually been meaning to tell you about something well actually someone.
My Kid😝: Cool do you mind if Nicky comes over?
Superstar🌠: Yea but you know the rules
My Kid😝: Yeah Yeah No sex. Thin walls we get it.
Superstar🌠: Lmao see ya kid! And stop texting and pay attention.
My Kid😝: See ya Superstar!
Before I knew it class had ended so I made my way to Nicky's Class. Thank god she didn't have class with Alex today. "Hey babe!" I say as Nicky walks over to me and hugs me. "Hi baby! How was class?" She asks as she takes my books from me and grabs my hand. "Boring as hell. I'm pretty sure half the class slept through the entire lecture. Luckily I have a sweet girlfriend that bought me a vente coffee from Starbucks this morning." I say as we walked out of the main building. "Now I wonder who that would be?" She asks pretending not to know. "It was You. You dork!" I say chuckling "But I'm your dork!" She says as I kiss her. "That is True." I say kissing her again. "Hey lovebirds!" We hear a voice say as we pull apart. We look over to see none other than our bandmates just coming out of the music building. "Hey guys!" Nicky says as we go to hug them. "So Jordan I heard that Demi has a thing with Marissa now?" Matt asks "Of course you would know." I say as he chuckles "Twitter is never wrong." He says "Anyway are you going to talk to her about it?" I nod as we started heading towards the parking lot. "We were actually headed to go talk to her right now. And I have a feeling Marissa is there." I say "ooohh are you gonna give her the whole 'If you break Demi's heart I'll kick your ass' talk." Chris asks "Yeah something like that. I'm actually surprised Demi hasn't given you that talk yet." I say turning towards Nicky "Shhhh don't give her any ideas!" She says causing me to laugh "She's not here babe." I say shaking my head "You know she has super hearing though. Seriously we had one make out session in your room and she's like 'So what do you guys- Nicolette Juliet Manson get off of Jordan right now!" Nicky says as I laughed "Yeah I know I was there Nicolette." I say teasingly as she rolls her eyes "I told you not to use that name." She says as we arrive at her car. "I know I just like it a lot. Anyway Rehearsal is tomorrow at 6 yeah?" I ask Chris "Yeah we'll get there somewhere around 5:30." He says "5:45 if the line at Starbucks is long." Matt adds "Alright well see you guys then!" I say getting into Nicky's Jeep. "Okay and Nicky don't get Jordan pregnant." Chris says "That's not even possible." Nicky argues while glaring at the Younger blonde boy. "I know but still." He says as his boyfriend laughs at how red he gets when Nicky proves him wrong. "Come on Babe let's go before you turn into a tomato." Matt says as he grabs his boyfriend's hand and leads them to their car. "So shotgun gets to control the radio." I say as I grab the aux cord. "Fine just please don't put on that stupid Elsa song." Nicky says pulling out of the lot. "But Nicky? Do you wanna build a snowman?" I say singing the sentence. "No!" She says as I chuckled "Alright then how about this song." I say putting on Rhythm of Love by the plain white tees. She smiled as she switched lanes and began to sing the first verse. We sang the chorus together and as we did I recorded of video of the two of singing it and posted it on my Snapchat. So I guess this is our song now😍😍😍
As we arrived at Demi's house I saw that there was another car parked in the driveway. "That's weird. So it looks like my gut was right." I say "Yeah I guess so. So you ready to scare Marissa shitless." Nicky asks chuckling "Only if you're ready to be scared shitless." I ask her chuckling as she playfully pushes me. I opened the door and dropped my backpack next to the stairs. "Demi im home. Oh hey Marissa." I say as I noticed the two of them all snuggled up together on the couch. "Hey Jordan it's good to see you again. Who's this?" Marissa asks gesturing to Nicky. "Right back at ya. And this is my girlfriend Nicky." I say introducing them. "Oh well it's nice to finally meet you Nicky. Demi here could not stop talking about the band that she put together." Marissa says "Shut up! I'm just proud of them." Demi says as she rolls her eyes at Marissa. "Oh please Demi we all know that you're jealous that I asked Nicky to be my girlfriend and not you." I say as she laughed "Only in your dreams kid." I laughed as I shook my head and went to sit on the couch with Nicky following my lead. "So what's on your mind kid?" Demi asks grabbing my attention. "Um well you see I um ikindasawyouandMarissamakingoutontv." I say really fast. "Whoa take a breath shorty." Marissa says as I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "Okay I'm just gonna say it. I saw the two of you making out on tv." I say as Marissa's eyes widen and Demi just looks pissed "Those motherfuckers! Can't they just let me Fucking be." She says sighing angrily. "Hey calm down babe it's okay." Marissa says grabbing Demi's hand and interlocking their fingers. I smiled this is the first time I've seen Demi in a relationship. And as long as Marissa doesn't plan on having Demi arrested we should be fine. "Sorry you had to find out this way kid but yeah we are dating." Demi says as Marissa smiles and kisses her cheek. "Well there's one relationship my sister will be happy about." I say as Demi looks at me concerned. "What happened?" She asks "Um I'd rather talk about it later. But Demi mind if I have a few words with Marissa?" I ask "As long as you don't mind me having a few words with Nicky." Demi says Nicky looks over at me with a look of fear. "Shit!" She mutters under her breath making me laugh "You'll be fine go!" I say giving her a little push. She glares at me as she follows Demi into the other room. "Alright let's get this over with" Marissa says as she sits up giving me her full attention. "Okay listen Marissa as you know Demi's like a sister to me. You have my utter and complete trust when it comes to the both of you dating. Personally I think you guys are a cute couple." I start off as she smiles and blushes. "But." She rolls her eyes "Nothing good ever happens after someone says that word." She says as I chuckle. "But her last relationship did not go as smoothly. Now I'm not saying that you're going to frame her and put her in jail again but what I am saying is that she's trusting you with her heart and if you break it there's no turning back. A good healthy relationship is hard to maintain but if you both are willing to put in the work and communicate with each other then you guys might actually be able to make it." I continue "Okay dude you've been spending way too much time with Demi and on Tumblr." Marissa says as I rolled my eyes chuckling. "Okay but seriously Jordan you don't have to worry about me breaking Demi's heart. I've seen her at her worst and best. I hate seeing her cry but I love that smile. And I will do everything to make sure that smile is always on her face. And also I'm definitely nothing like that asshole so you don't need to worry about that." She says continuing as we both laugh. Demi and Nicky soon enter the room. Demi looking satisfied and Nicky well let's just say she was scared shitless. "She showed you all her prison friends didn't she?" I asked "And went through in very specific detail what each one was charged with." Nicky says shuddering. "Demi you broke my girlfriend." I say as she laughs "She'll be fine. She'll have a few nightmares but she'll be fine." Demi says shrugging her shoulders. "So does this mean I get to call you 'Kid' now too?" Marissa asks "Nope still my nickname for her." Demi says as Marissa pouts. "Aww baby let me make it up to you." Demi says as The famous Lovato smirk spreads across her face. "And I think that's our cue to go. Come on Rockstar!" I say as I grab Nicky's hand and lead her upstairs to my room. "So when does your brother fly in?" I ask her as I lay on my bed. She smiles at the mention of her brother. "Next Saturday. I was actually kinda hoping you'd come to the airport to pick him up with me." She says I smile "Of course I'll come. When does his flight land?" I ask "2 AM." She answers "Okay then I'll stay over at your house that night. Of course we'll have to run it by Demi first." I say "Of course. Anyway he says he's excited to meet you. And hopefully he won't scare you the way Demi scared me. Let's just say I'll be treating you like the Princess that you are a lot more often." She says as I chuckle "Babe you already do enough for me as is. Honestly I'm happy just being here with you." I say as she kisses my lips "I know but You're my princess." She says reconnecting our lips "And you're my Rockstar." I say as I kiss her back. "Hey remember what I said about thin walls you two!" Demi says "Shut up Demi!" We both yell as we hear the two older women laughing downstairs. "Netflix?" I ask "The 100?" Nicky asks as I smile "Clexa!!!" I say as she laughs and rolls her eyes at me. I turned on the tv and pushed the Netflix button as she laid down on the bed next to me. "Jordan?" She asks "Hm" I say humming my response "Don't worry so much about what you're sister. I can tell it's bothering and I'm sure she didn't mean what she said. And from what I've heard about her she would never lay a finger on, on purpose. It was in the heat of the moment Princess. Give her some time before you go and talk to her again." She says "How do you always know what to say?" I ask "Well I could tell something was bothering you Babe. It's funny we've been in a relationship for about a month now and it feels like 3." She says "Yeah I know but that's what I love about our relationship is that in a short amount of time we learn so much about each other and then from what we've learned springs new questions and new conversations." I say smiling at her as she leans down to kiss me. "God you're so beautiful." She says kissing me again. "I could say the same about you." I say as she smiles and pulls me in for another kiss. We pull back just as the episode started. "And for the record when you are ready to talk to your sister again I'm coming with you. Whether she wants me there or not." She says I sighed knowing there was no changing her mind about that. I just hoped when the day did come that Lacey wouldn't be such a bitch about Nicky being there and that they wouldn't end up trying to kill each other. But as of right now I didn't have to worry about that. As I watched as The army of grounders and sky crew got ready to defeat mount Weather I felt eyes on me so I looked up and saw her smiling while looking down on me. "That's so creepy." I say as she chuckles and places a soft kiss on my forehead as I cuddle back into her chest focusing my eyes back on the screen. "I love you Princess." I hear her say as I smile. "I love you too Rockstar." And I swear I could almost hear her smile her gorgeous smile. God I am so in love with her.
A/N: Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's kind of a filler chapter but I tried to make it light and fluffy and that good stuff. Now I want to know what you guys want to see. Do you guys want to see the conflict between Lacey and Jordan get resolved? Should there be more of The Dream Chasers chasing the dream. Should there be some drama? Tell me in the comments!!! But anyway until next time love you guys!!!

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