Move In With Me?

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Jordan's POV

"I know who took this picture"

"Jordan who took it?" Demi asks but I shook my head not believing he would do something like this. "My ex boyfriend." I say as they all looked at me in shock. "Whoa you Jordan Blake Jones had a boyfriend?!" Matt says as I rolled my eyes at him. "I know shocking. It was before I started questioning my sexuality. I wanna say Jr High. He was in 8th I was in 7th. We dated for like a month maybe. Then he went off to high school and so we broke up then when I went to high school we had a few classes together so we got back together. We were on and off until my junior year that's when I started to figure out who I was. So while I was texting him one day I straight up told him I was Gay. He didn't take it so well. He said and I quote "I will get you back for this you dyke!". I haven't seen or spoken to him since." I explain to him. "Alright who the fuck is this Mother Fucker and where can I find him?" Demi says her protective side coming out. "Relax babe. He knows better than to mess with me." I say reassuring her by resting my head on her shoulder and gently grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. I felt her take some deep breaths and I felt a pair of soft,warm lips on my forehead. She let them linger there before saying "Alright but if he releases those pictures I'm gonna kick his ass." I chuckle softly. "Wait but how do you know for sure that he took this picture?" Phil asks reminding me that Demi and I weren't the only ones in the room. "See the window sill? It has a peace sign craved into it. I craved that when I was at his house." I say pointing out the peace sign. "Okay so looks like after Ellen you'll have to go back home and talk some sense into him." He says I nodded. "I'll go with you. No way in hell am I ever gonna let you go near that bastard without me." Demi says I smile and gave a small kiss. "Alright so I'll expect updates from the two of you. But for right now you all need to get ready for your trip to LA. There will be a Van to transport you to the airport in 20 minutes." Phil says as we nodded "Oh and Demi,Jordan if the press asks you anything about this just tell them what you told me." "Okay and thanks Phil for telling us about this picture before it got out." I say grateful he knows about everything before it's released. Even if I had no idea how he got access to that picture before it got out. I was thankful he told us about it beforehand. He smiled at me before heading off the bus "Of course Jordan I wouldn't want Jemi to be broken up because of this." He says winking at me as I cringed at the use of Demi and I's ship name. "Phil please don't use that term ever again. It sounds weird coming out of an adults mouth. He chuckles as he leaves the bus. "Alright. You heard the man. Pack your shit up we're leaving in 20!" Chris says "Damn who died and made you king?" Nicky says causing the rest of us to laugh. "Bitch I was always king!" He says as his boyfriend kisses his cheek. "That must make me a king as well." Matt says chuckling as his boyfriend turns bright red. It amazes me how these two have been together for a year and they still manage to make eachother blush. It really gives me hope that Demi and I will make it to our one year maybe even further. If I'm being honest she's the one I want to wait for at the alter. But I don't want to freak her out by saying that, So I keep these thoughts to myself. As I was packing my suitcase I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and a pair of lips attack my neck. "Babe stop!!! That tickles!!" I say giggling as she giggles with me. "You're so damn cute!" Demi says kissing me. I kiss back deepening the kiss and pulling her closer to me. We pulled back smiling like complete idiots. "I love you Jordan" Demi says as I smile and kiss her lips. "I guess I kinda like you." I say as she makes an adorable mad face and playfully pushes my shoulder causing me to back up against my bunk. "I'm kidding baby. Of course I love you. A thousand times over. I love you Demi Lovato!" I say laughing as she chuckles into my neck. "You better if you know what's good for you." She says kissing my neck as I feel her sucking on it I started to feel very turned on. I tried to muffle a moan by putting my mouth into her shoulder. I felt her smirk against my neck. "Babe we're in the middle of the bus." I say trying to convince her not to turn me on right now. Even though I wanted her so badly. "So? They won't know the difference between the bumps in the road and us." Demi says her voice coming out in a low rasp that was so sexy. "Baby I want to but we have like 5 minutes." I say as she groans and pulls away from my neck. "I know. But raincheck?" I ask hopefully "Raincheck and make it soon? I want to make you scream my name." She says kissing my lips hard taking all the breath from my lungs as she pulls back and smirks at me chuckling lowly as she leaves there breathless. Diana should've named her Demetria the Fucking tease Lovato. I mentally cursed myself out for not letting her continue. As I zipped up my suitcase I went to the bathroom real quick and while I was in there I saw that Demi had left some marks on my neck. "Well shit" I chuckled to myself as I did my best to cover it with my hair. "Babe could you lend me one of your oversized 'Don't mess with Texas' sweaters" I yelled from the bathroom. "They don't all say that!" She yelled back as I chuckled. She walked in and I saw her eyes widen. "Damn sorry baby didn't mean to leave that there." I chuckle as I gratefully took the hoodie and pulled it over my head. "It's okay. At least people will know I'm yours if they see it." I say winking at her through the mirror. She turns a deep shade of red as I smirk. Still got it!  "Hey baby I've been thinking and I wanted to ask you something." She says as I turn around and pulled myself onto the sink. "Okay shoot." I say as she smiles and looks at me. "Do you really want to move back into that dorm of yours or do you want to move in with me?" She asks as I smile widely. "Are you serious?" I ask excitedly. "Dead serious! I want to wake up with you in my arms!" She says as I got off the sink and place my hands around her neck as she placed hers around my hips as I stepped up on my toes to kiss her. "Of course I want to move in with you!" I say as chuckles and kisses me. "Well that's a relief cause if you would've said no then I would have had to ship all your stuff back to your dorm." She says nonchalant like. I laughed and kissed her as we hear knocking on the door. "Are you two okay in there or do I have to come in to save Jordan's horny ass." Nicky asks causing Demi to laugh and now it was my turn to blush. "We'll be out in a sec Rockstar!" I say as she chuckles probably shaking her head at me. "Come on babe before they think we're trying for a baby." I say without thinking as I cover my mouth and start cursing at myself. "Did you just say what I think you just said?" Demi says with a smile on her lips. "No idea what you're talking about babe." I say exiting the bathroom and  jumping off the bus not using the stairs like a normal person. "Jordan one of these days you're gonna give me a heart attack by doing that." Mike our bus driver says as he holds his chest. I laugh at him "Well I gotta be a kid while I'm still young Mike." He shakes his head laughing at me. "Yeah so long as you don't hurt yourself I'm okay with that babe." Demi says jumping off from the last step. "And if in the future kids are something that you're thinking about then I'm okay with that too." She smiles grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I smile looking down at our hands. Her Big Dipper tattoo showing making me smile. Oh if only we knew what we were in for. "LA here we come." I say as we get into the car I leaned against Demi and closed eyes. I felt her wrap her free arm around me and kiss my head before whispering "Goodnight Jordan. I love you Always." I smiled as I fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: Well now you guys know who took the picture. So for not updating I've been busy with Senior Stuff and I had to keep you guys in suspense for a little while. But what do you guys think about Jordan and Demi deciding to officially live together? Also will Jordan be able to convince her ex boyfriend not to release the pictures? Well until next time! Love ya!

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