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It should have been a simple trip to Walmart for some paper towels.

It was a normal Friday evening; one that I planned to spend inside and watch horrible movies, eat popcorn and drink grape juice in a fancy glass cause I'm classy. (Yes I am a 22 year old adult that still drinks juice in a wine glass to make myself feel fancy.) On my white couch. Yeah, brilliant idea. So I was just starting to settle down after starting a chick flick and making popcorn. I picked up my glass of classy grape juice, ready to take a sip when a car alarm started blaring and I jumped, spilling very pigmented juice down my front and my couch.
"FUCK!" I shouted.

Oh, and I had no paper towels.

Thus, Walmart called.

There was an aisle of cleaning supplies surrounded by a mountain of paper towels, which looked unusually unstable and slightly fragile. I shuffled over and started looking at the brands, trying to figure out how much they cost.

For some reason they were all mixed up, and I watched as the whole area shifted slightly, making me jump back in surprise.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, gazing at the stack of paper towels. I decided to grab one pack and was surprised to see a blob of blue, fading hair. This was followed by the top half of a blushing face belonging to a young man with bushy eyebrows and two different colored eyes, one of them a striking blue and the other a sort of muted hazel.

"Your eyebrows need help hon," I said out loud accidentally. Fuck. "I mean, um, I'm sorry, I'll just.." I took the pack of paper towels and walked away, my face burning in embarrassment.

It was quiet for a little while as I made my way to the checkout. I mentally begged for him to continue his 'paper towel house', and not remember the first thing I said to him.

To my demise, I heard a muffled crash, along with a disappointed grunt of defeat, causing me to turn back around. "Uh, hi. I'm Awsten," the blue haired boy said, making me blush even harder than I thought was humanly possible.

"Charlotte." I said, looking at the ground and counting the little dots in the tile. "That's a good name. I got three and a half rooms. Thanks for ruining it," he said as a smile crept onto his excited face. "Sorry, what?" I asked, confused by his remark.

"I was working on the second layer of the third wall of the fourth room when you took that," he said simply, gesturing to the paper towels in my hand that I had been clutching to my chest in a defensive manner.

"I've been trying to get up to five rooms," he laughed, as if that would explain things further. "Um..okay. Alright. Good to know," I replied, confused. "Hang on, one sec," he demanded, holding up his hand as he answered his phone, putting it to his ear.


"Yeah no I'm at Walmart."

"Cause it's hot, they're giving me their air conditioning."

"You know, it's that thick Houston air. My skin and my clothes are one," he said in a high pitched voice that was slightly (but totally) adorable.

I scoffed at his claims, unable to hear what was going on in the other end of the call.

"I said thick Houston air, not thick Air Jordans!" he exclaimed.

I smiled a little before turning to go, he was obviously busy. I almost made it to the checkout this time before another crash startled me into turning around. Awsten was sprawled out on the floor, surrounded by air freshener cans and such. "Heeeeyyyy Charlotte," he said, making me laugh out loud and cover my mouth with my hand.

"You need some help there, blueberry?" I giggled, holding out a hand to help him up. "Thank you, patronus," he responded, smiling. I giggled at the Harry Potter reference as he pulled himself up with my hand, tripping over his own feet and almost falling into me. I blushed and backed up a little.

"You're kinda short," He said, looking down at me. "I know this because I'm not very tall and you're a lot shorter than me."

"Good observational skills," I joked, letting go of his hand once he was stable. "How have you not been kicked out of here yet?"

"Oh, I've been kicked out of a few other Walmarts. This one just doesn't seem to care. This is the second time this month I've made a paper towel castle. Last time a young child got lost in the castle and called his mom which created an awkward situation," He smiled.

"Seems like it would," I responded, examining his face. His eyes were a striking blue green color, as I stated before, and his lips were slightly plump and a light pinkish color. He was honestly quite attractive and may have had the cutest nose I've ever seen. Oh shit, I've been staring too long, I thought to myself, looking down.

"Anyways, I should go. Good luck with your paper towel castle. Although I think Walmart is closing though so it might be an accomplishment for another day," I reminded him. Something told me he would definitely stay until the employees called security and made him part with his towels.

He smiled widely at me before touching my shoulder, taking off a piece of lint that was hanging from my shirt.


I turned to the self checkout area and scanned my item, until I felt a presence by my side.

"So listen. We should hang out sometime. Work on building five rooms. Or you know, do whatever normal people do, heh," he suggested, playing with the sunglasses that were hanging from the neckline of his blue pullover that was too big for him.

"I thought you said it was hot outside. And okay. I guess," I accepted, taking my receipt from the machine. "Yes! And I know but I like sweater hands. Anyway how do I find you?" he wondered, following me to the sliding exit doors.

I shrugged. "Not sure. But I know where to find you now. See ya!"

As I left, I could see him grinning in the front of the Walmart before he turned back and went inside, probably to finish what he started.

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