chapter 9

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After discussing some things at breakfast we all decided to sit and chat in the library before a walk around the gardens.

"I suppose we should have a ball in your honor," said Mr. Thompson.

"That is a marvelous idea brother," said Mr. Thompson's younger brother named Benjamin. Who had wild red hair and piercing blue eyes just like his older brother "hardly anything exciting comes to Lombard manor, it would be such a delight."
"Kind sirs I must decline your offer, for we have already taken places at your home for too long, especially unannounced, without luggage," I said "it would be disrespectful and an invasion of your hospitality."

Lucas looked at me again with his piercing blue eyes, and said quite seriously: "I insist, it would be our treat. Like my brother said, nothing hardly ever happens in this area and we celebrate over any little achievement. Your coming to stay with us is a mighty blessing indeed."
I began to blush at his romantic words, and my attachment to him grew. "And you too shall stay until we hear word from your cousin."

I smiled at his reply "you have made an offer that my good friend and I can not refuse. Shall I help with preparations?"

Lucas let out a ringing laugh " my dear, sheltered child, why on earth would you break a sweat for a party that is meant to be yours? The only thing you may be lifting is your arms when you go to the seamstress to get yourself any gown you wish at my expense."

"Sir, how can you shower me in all that is expensive, I shall not want to dry up your money purse for the sake of silken dresses and velvet shoes. I beg you not to spoil me so!" I said shocked, face blushing.

"Fah! A woman that begs to not be spoiled I have never heard of such a thing!" Was Lucas' reply "you can't say nothing of the sort, except for the color of the fabrics that Greyson will choose for you."
Greyson looked up from his tea, a shocked look on his face.

"Me? However could you send me with a woman to pick out fashions? I have no expertise in this field of the opposite sex. However could you put me in such a position?" Was Grey's reply, his face still one of shock.

"Surely you will know what looks agreeable on her since you are good friends. And their is no other companion she could go with. When you go after our stroll make sure to have them charge me."

"Why don't we engage in that stroll now," suggested Ben.

"That sounds very agreeable to me."

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