chapter 27

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I awoke to blackness, and felt around.
It seemed that I was on a cot of some sorts, that was directly on the ground.

"Grey?" I called out, voice trembling.

"Grey!?" I cried more urgently.

"Hazel?" Came a raspy voice.

"Grey! Are you alright?" I called out.

I heard a grunt "just a bit beat up, are you alright?"

" I have a bad headache, and a bump on my head. Find me, just keep talking so I can follow your voice."

"Okay," he said "I think there is something going on here, something bigger than we thought."

I slid closer to his voice, until my hand brushed his knee.

"Hey," I said once I realized I had found him.

He grasped my hands in the dark. And pulled me closer. He was leaning against the wall, and I scooted to sit next to him, leaning on the wall as well.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he leaned his head on top of mine.



"I'm scared," I admitted.

"Me too."

Over the course of three days, but one really couldn't be sure, because it was dark where we were and the days just melted together, we would be taken out of the dark room, and beaten for a good five minutes, until blood would be drawn.

The people hardly gave us food, and only a medium sized cup of water was given at the start and end of the day.

We really had no idea why these people were doing this to us, but I hadn't seen Elizabeth since the first day.

They left us alone for a few days, and this allowed Grey and I to heal.
I was so very sore, but I healed quickly. So did Grey, who didn't bruise as easily as I did.

We were laying on the cold stone floor, when the metal of the door clanged, and a large man took Grey and I to the torture room once again.

"Be strong," said Grey with a terrified look on his face.

I nodded, and put on a brave face.

The man slapped my face hard, and it caused me to fall to the ground, and kicked me only once.
That was quite unusual as well, because I was usually kicked senseless.

This was even worse.

They forced me to watch Grey get beaten even harsher than before, and when the five minutes were up, Grey had a bloody lip and nose, and couldn't even walk.

It was the most horrible thing I have ever had to watch.

My dearest reader, when you have to watch your best friend being beaten up, surely you will want the pain instead of them, but pray that you will never have to experience such a thing.

In that moment when I realized that I loved Grey so much, that I would rather that be me, I vowed that with the power I had, I would protect him with my life.

We were so physically and emotionally drained, when they threw us back into the dark room, both of us began to cry.

I had never seen Greyson cry, but the only thing I could do was to hold him, until he fell asleep in my arms.
As I held him, tears silently slid down my face, and I prayed that we would be safe, and we would survive this.

After a few days, they again hadn't beaten us, but Grey was very weak.
I was very sure the bad people that had beaten us broke some of his ribs.

There was a little slit in the door, for food and such, and a light had been near the door, and allowed me to finally scope out the dark room.

The broom had bare walls, no windows, and one small cot, and it wasn't really any news.

I was worried about Grey's health.

This time period was just so horrible, first me getting sick, then Grey getting hurt?

I began to cry, under the crippling stress. I wondered how Grey dealt with me being sick.

I cried for the Thompson's, and their shattered family. I cried for then people hurting us, and the fact that they were so heartless they could still hurt Greyson and I the way they did.
I also cried selfish tears of pity.

It was disgusting, but I couldn't help myself.

I stopped crying when I heard the click clack of someone's boots.

The boots stopped in front of the door, and I could see them through the slit in the door.
The feet shifted, and a small package was slid under the door.

The feet then disappeared, and after the sound of the click clacks were gone, I crawled over and picked up the package.

Inspecting it, I came to find that it was a first aid kit of some sorts, and immediately I began patching up Grey.

He was asleep, and I was trying to be as gentle as possible.

I sat on the floor, and draped his head in my lap, and cleaned up the cuts on his face with the antiseptic. He squirmed in his sleep, and his eyes slowly opened.

"What are you doing?"

"Cleaning you up so you don't get an infection," I said finishing up.
He just looked up at me with a sadness behind his eyes, and I somehow understood what the pain was.

Soon he fell back asleep, and I cleaned myself up a bit, before returning my attention to him.

I set everything aside, and softly stroked his dark hair in my hands. I caressed his forehead, and ran my fingers through his hair, somehow distracting myself from the misery we were experiencing.
His hair was now longer, and more scruffy looking, than when we had first arrived.

I continued to play with his hair while he slept, and kept braiding and unbraiding his hair, until my hands cramped, and I just stuck to running my hands through his hair.

After a while, I began to fall asleep, still caressing his hair. It was like when you would pet a dog in your lap as you fell asleep, and just continued until eventually you'd stop petting because you would fall asleep.

I began nodding off, until Grey grabbed my hand. Which, scared me more than I care to admit.

"How are you feeling?" I asked sadly.

He just groaned a bit, but he held my hand and kissed it repeatedly,  before placing a last kiss on my palm, and whispering 'thank you' as he slipped back asleep.

My cheeks grew red, and a warm feeling raised, it could have been bile, but I was sure it was joy and excitement and a hundred other feelings.

Feelings sure do make your stomach feel weird.

I pulled Grey to the cot on the floor, as gently and quietly I could, in order not to wake him, and I too fell asleep on the cold ground.

(A/n: thoughts? This chapter was kinda rushed and probably makes no sense, but I hope you like
O(≧∇≦)O btw check out some fan art I found at the top)

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