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* Phone Ringing *
It was the head of my department at the stage directing place ( Kinda forgot the name ). She said to me we have work experience for you at the Wembley arena they have agreed to let you work there for the day so you feel what it's like to be a stage director although they haven't said who they will be directing. My response was: Omg thank you this is will be a perfect opportunity for me!

So I got ready I just put a pair of jeans and a jumper on smart casual you know how it is it's one of them days
* Arrive at Wembley arena *
I got out my car not knowing where I'm going then I heard a mans voice asking me sorry are you y/n I answer with yes that is me
Then he told me to follow so I did follow him and he went the act that will be preforming should be arriving around ah know!
THE ACT WAS LITTLE MIX! I had a fangirling moment inside of course I've got to act professional
He stared to talk to them and said " Hi ladies my name is John and I'll be you're director for the day ".
I was still kinda freaking out not going to lie, All the sudden John called me over so I went over and he says " Girls this is y/n she's helping out today for work experience"
For some reason Perrie was the first one to notice me
Perrie: Hi y/n isn't it
Y/N: Yeah that's me, how are you?
Perrie: I'm good
Then Jesy calls Perrie over as they are getting ready to rehearse
So I walked over with her.

A/N: That was my first chapter, what do you guys think about it?
Like if you loved it and comment what you thought about!

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