Breakdown/ little mix to the rescue

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A/N: All of little mix get there own POV

It's 2pm in the afternoon and I was just sitting there thinking about what my ex had said to me and because I thought about it so much I had a huge breakdown it's very rare I have breakdowns but I usually just get over it but something told me this was going to be different when the breakdown started I felt like a bullet hit me in the chest and there was no going back with this one.
I started crying thinking to myself I'm not worth anyone's time I don't deserve the friends I have they are better off with me I no longer want to be in the world stuff like that so I went upstairs to my bedroom and curled up in a ball in the corner of my room and didn't move for two hours my phone kept ringing and it was Little Mix I didn't answer because I didn't want anyone to hear me crying I didn't want to worry them

I had 49 miss calls from the girls and 48 voicemails I opened the last one and it was Jesy saying we're coming over y/n
* Little Mix Arrive *
There was a knock at my door so I looked through the keyhole and it was the girls I didn't open the door then I heard Jade shout y/n open the door right know! No I shouted back trying to hold back my tears
Then Jesy said out of nowhere oh wait she gave me a key just incase we needed to escape, my response to that was shit.
As the door opened I ran upstairs
* Jesy's POV *
Me and the girls went round to y/n because we was really worried about her and we called around 49 times but she wouldn't pick up and Pez was really worried and suggested we go round there so we did that we knocked on the door and heard someone at the door but y/n didn't open so Jade shouted y/n open the door right know! Y/n shouted no and she sounded like she'd been crying. Then I remembered I had a key to her place as I opened the door she ran upstairs which made me worry so much more I thought to myself what is wrong with her?

I'm upstairs by this point in my room barricaded the door with my draws and I heard someone come up the stairs and knock on my door and they said y/n please open then door I'm extremely worried it's just me the girls are waiting downstairs and it was Perrie, so I opened the door and she saw that I'd been crying!
* Perrie's POV *
So we got to y/n house and she ran upstairs so I said to the girls can I go by myself they nodded, so I went upstairs knocked her door and told her how worried I was and it was just me she opened the door and I saw that she'd been crying so I said babes what's happened what so bad that you didn't answer us so she told me how she feels worthless and that I'm better of without her ( truth is I want her ) and how she wants to leave the world, so I said to her y/n don't you ever think that again y/n come downstairs with me and tell the girls.
* Leigh's POV *
Perrie went upstairs to y/n room and they were awhile so it made me worry as I went upstairs they were coming down then Perrie told y/n to say what she just told her so we crowded around her then she told us how she feels worthless and that we are better of without her I said y/n that's never the case you worth literally everything and we would be bored without you!
* Jade's POV *
So Perrie and y/n came back downstairs and y/n told what was wrong I was so shocked that she thought that so I said to her y/n never ever think that again if you think that again just ring us and we'll help you through it and at the same time I was thinking I can't imagine what Perrie was going through when the love of her life told her that

So each and one of them told me how important I am to them which helped me so much I hugged the all individually and Perrie held me for quite a long time which was kinda weird.
Then we had a group hug

A/N: I'm aware this chapter is long but it had gone done I thought why not do one like this 😀 hope you all enjoyed DONT forget to comment down ideas

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