Moving in with Jerrie

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So it's the next morning around 9am why does Leigh get up so early I got a message from Leigh saying Hey Hun I'm outside
So I went out there with my suitcase she said are you okay I replied with yeah I am and smiled at her the journey was silent but not awkward silent, we then arrived at the door but nobody answered the door so I rang Pez and went so you not going to let me in the I said in a sad way she went Omg y/n sorry please don't hate me as she was trying to hold back her tears I went let me in Pez please she said coming before she ended the call, she opened the door and went sorry she said looks down, I went Pez why you so upset she went it's nothing.

* Perrie's  POV *
So y/n is here as she is coming to live with me and Jade because of her so called boyfriend but he threatened her so that's why she's with us I was upset because what if I stupidly kiss her out nowhere I mean I know the girls know but she don't know that they  know but anyway y/n asked me why was I upset and I said it was nothing so she said Perrie Louise Edwards you tell me right know with an anger tone in her voice kinda scared me if I'm honest so I said I got a message from Michael as he must of gotten my number when you went to the toilet and messaged me saying leave y/n alone she hates you why you even friends with her and I keep thinking it's true I said trying not to cry

I swear to god he's trying to get to me Perrie I don't hate you and if I did I'm pretty sure I wouldn't of panicked when you didn't answer my messages you are the love of my life after making her laugh and went thank you y/n she said I said it's okay she went let's get your stuff in your room I said okay, as we went upstairs I was behind Perrie because I didn't know where I was going she kept catching me looking at her and every time she did she'd laugh I blushed she went aww someone's blushing what no I ain't tell your face that baby she said I was like fuck.
We got to my room and I unpacked my suitcase and Perrie saw a photo of me and Michael and she went why do you have this with worry in her voice I said because I like the way I look she just gave me a look as if to say really okay fine I like him but he scares me Perrie I don't know how the fuck I liked him again it just happened  okay I wouldn't blame you if you told me leave she looked at me with wow can't believe you just said that and ran out

* Jesy's POV *
So I opened the door and I saw Perrie running down the stairs into the living room I asked her what was wrong she said go and ask y/n so I went upstairs to see y/n crying and asked what was wrong she explained to me and I said y/n as my daughter I'm taking this photo and throwing it away okay she just nodded and said Perrie hates me I said she doesn't hate you it's just that she worries about you how bout you go downstairs and talk to her and I'll finish this for you thank you mum she said making us both laugh

I went downstairs and saw Perrie there crying my heart when she cries I hate seeing her this way I sat next to her she looked up and went what do you want I went can't say that didn't hurt me but Perrie I don't want you to hate me let alone leave me I know you saw that picture but if I'm honest Pez you are the one I want and I know you said let's pretend like we  don't know we both like each other I'm sick and tired of pretending Pez the girls can know that we like each other but I'm not sure if I'm ready to date yet I said while looking down she puts my head up and went wow didn't think you'd say that do you really mean it what of course I do Perrie she smiled and I kissed her cheek making her blush I said who's blushing know I winked she went both of us ahaha

Skipping time
Night Jade and Perrie they both said night but Perrie followed me and went night baby and I swear I blushed as hard as anything. I smiled and went night baby girl she blushed as well
I went to sleep

A/N: I'm sorry this is mega long but I was making up for not uploading ❤❤

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