Perrie has a breakdown

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* Perrie's POV *
So we have another day of and the girls are all out and I'm literally by myself just thinking about things that I don't really want to so I get up and try and take my mind of it but nothing is working I don't know what to do about it y/n is at work so I don't want to distract her from work with what I'm thinking, I'm thinking about how I think I'm ugly and worthless and I know y/n would never date me I'm the most stupidest person ever gah why am I feeling like this I've never felt like this before.
It was y/n lunch time so if thought I'd ring her, she answered and went hey and I think she knew I was upset and went Perrie Louise Edwards I'm saying I'm having a family emergency and I'm coming over and don't you dare say no!

So I'm going over to Perrie's because she was upset!

* Arriving at Perrie's *
I knock on the door and Perrie answers in tears so I said Pez go and sit down and I'll follow you in she said okay, so I followed her and sat next to and held her hand hugged her and went Pez tell me what's up.

* Perrie's POV *
So y/n came over she held my hand and hugged me and asked me if I was ok and knowing that she cares about me means the entire world to me, I really want to tell her my feelings for her but then again I don't want to, so I told y/n what was wrong with me how I feel worthless and ugly and she said to me.

So Perrie told me how she feels worthless and ugly and I honestly never felt so shocked how can someone as stunning as her ever think something like that so I said to her, Perrie Louise Edwards aka my girlfriend ahaha you are nowhere near ugly you are the most stunning person I've ever seen and the fact that you called yourself worthless Perrie upsets me you are worth absolutely everything and I mean that Pez you are my closest friend and you know you can ring me at anytime even if I'm at work I don't care I'll answer babes

* Perrie's POV *
When y/n said that to me I was smiling throughout the whole thing what made me laugh is when she called me her girlfriend not going to lie that was the best part of it, y/n thank you so so so much for saying that, that has made my day I love you more than you can imagine and I'm so glad that we are friends and I never want to get rid of you she said Pez you will never get rid of me you doughnut I'm here forever and winked at me ask y/n does aha but honestly I really want to be with her I might tell her.......

A/N: Do you think Perrie should tell
her or should I keep it on hold for awhile xx

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