Jesy's Birthday

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It's been a couple of days since I've been back and it's now Jesy's birthday so I decided to wake up before the girls and make breakfast well attempt to anyway aha but anyway I threw on a top and shorts and made my way downstairs but I heard someone in the kitchen already.

* Perrie's  POV *
So today is Jesy's birthday and I decided to make breakfast for her and obviously the rest of us girls, I heard someone open that kitchen door so I turned around and it was y/n she stills feels awkward around me as I do her I'm still in love with her but she doesn't like me back I know she don't because of how she's acting.

Great so it's Perrie I still feel awkward around her what do I do I mean I fucking love the girl but after what she done I'm debating my life right now!

* Jesy's POV *
It's my birthday it's my birthday imma spend my money I was singing to myself in the shower don't ask me why but I'm glad me and the girls are all going out tonight yeah they all got me presents but the main present I want is for Perrie and y/n to get back together because one y/n is lost without Perrie and two Pez admitted to me she's still in love with her.

So as Perrie was making breakfast I decided to sit down on the table in the kitchen and go on my phone and went on twitter and I saw a tweet from Little Mix and it was Perrie and the tweet was @LittleMix: I want her back I'm lost without her Perrie <3, that got me thinking is she on about me or Megan I want to ask but if she says Megan I can't deal with that!

Jesy came down as so did Jade and Leigh we all sat there eating our breakfast that Pez made us Perrie was sitting next to me I felt really awkward but I stayed there for Jesy obviously

* Later during the day *
So we went and sat in the living room and gave Jess her presents that we got her and she loves every single one of them and was very thankful after we opened them Jesy went girls we should get ready we are leaving in an hour so we all went in our rooms to get ready.

* Perrie's POV *
I want y/n back why did I mess up!!

* Jesy's POV *
Right by the end of my birthday Perrie and y/n will be together!!

So I got myself ready I put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white shirt that flows over them and a pair of white converse smart casual, because I was dressed first I went downstairs and Perrie was there wearing a crop bra top thing and a pair of shorts with the same shoes on as me.

* Perrie's POV *
I saw y/n and said you look beautiful babes and she smiled went you to baby and put her head on my shoulder even though we aren't together.

We arrived at the club and I sat down already because you know I'm boring like that anyway Jesy bought me over a drink and went thank you for my present honestly means a lot that  you came back I said that wasn't my present but you are welcome I said while laughing she smiled and went back on the dance floor.
I saw Perrie dancing again Claud as she does but you know.

It's been about 20 mins and I'm still sitting here with the same drink who walks in I'll tell you who Michael fucking Sampson great!!
* Perrie's POV *
I looked towards the door and saw Michael walk through then looked at y/n and her face dropped with worry she was scared!!
* Jesy's POV *
Why the fuck is he here ugh why can't he leave y/n alone!!!!!

And he's walking over to me quick y/n think of something and he's already beside me oh fuck hi y/n isn't it he says I reply don't act so smug Michael seriously why you here he then said well it's an open club so why not So I annoyedly say so you happen to come here when I am coincidence I think not! He then puts he's arm around me and whispers in my ear you are sitting by yourself so I could do something to you right now I gulped I didn't know what to do fuck Perrie save me please like right now is all I could think of

* Perrie's POV *
Me and Jess were keeping a close eye on Michael and we saw how he whispered something to y/n and she got scared and I lost it and went over and said hey baby are you okay and held her hand then continued my sentence by saying sorry I left you here alone for to long was chatting to Jess wanna come to the bar with me Hun, she was confused but nodded and said yeah why not let go and talk to our friend Pez and smiled at me

Perrie saved me what a legend after we walked off away from him I said thanks Pez you really helped me out there and hugged her and didn't let go for about 5 mins straight I miss this girl man!

And the day has finished we decided to go back to the flat and go bed

Oh wait girls before we go bed I wanna say something I say they all looked at me in confusion but I'm not surprised anyways I say I'm willing to date Perrie again if she is and the look on Jesy's face was priceless and Perrie went really? I said duh

Me and Perrie are back together and I'm not letting anything or ANYONE get in the way of that!!



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