Perrie admits her feelings

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Y/n I'm in love with you and I have been since the day Jade left us to go and see Jed I didn't know how to tell you I wouldn't blame you if didn't want to be friends with me anymore I've ruined our friendship haven't I? Pez you are stupid how could you think something like that would make you lose me Pez
Do I tell her about my feelings or not?!

* Perrie's POV *
Ok so y/n came up to speak to me so I let her in the second time she asked, she asked me what was wrong so I hugged her and cried and I told her my feelings for her and I asked her if I've ruined our friendship and she said I haven't I actually told her my feelings but it's obvious that she don't feel the same way!

We went back downstairs and acted like nothing happened and sat next to each other Pez kept putting her head on me because she was tired but didn't want to go sleep yeah she's normal but all I could think about is that she does like me back but what makes things worse is I have a boyfriend how am I supposed to you know live with this I really like Perrie I do it's just I have a boyfriend why the fuck is life so complicated 

* Jesys POV *
Pez and y/n came back and I got a message from y/n and she said Perrie told me that she's in love with me Jess I fucked up!
Y/n has a boyfriend but she barely knows him so I might suggest that she says sorry but I am in love in with someone else but then again she seems like she likes she really likes this lad but being the over protective friend I am I want to meet this lad

I got up and I went to the kitchen and I was in there for awhile so Pez came in and it's me isn't it I'm the problem I should of never fucking said anything I went what Pez no it's not you it's me as you know I have a boyfriend but like Leigh said how do I know he's nice I know nothing about him I don't even know he's name so I asked her why am I such a fuckup Pez

* Perrie's POV *
Y/n went into the kitchen and she was in there for awhile so it's me isn't it I'm the problem I should of never fucking said anything  she said it's not me it's her it's this boy she's dating she don't know anything about him not even he's name and she asked me why is she a fuckup I said y/n babes you are nowhere a fuckup you are an amazing girl and I love you and I can say that in confidence she smiled and went I love you to Pez thank you for being here for me Pez just because you have feelings for me doesn't change a thing you know love you Edwards

* Jesy's POV *
Jess y/n said I don't want to do with my life I don't think I'll be in contact for awhile with any of yous so can you Tell the girls please

So I went into to the living room feeling down and told Pez, Pez I love you and went home

* Perrie's POV *
Y/n went to me Pez I love you and went home which was extremely weird for y/n
I'm kinda worried

A/N: Hope you enjoyed reading this
Hmm I wonder what's going to happen to y/n

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