Texts between Jesy and y/n

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Mother2: Hey child
You: Hey mother
Mother2: How are you
You: Meh what about you
Mother2: Why you meh! Child tell me know
You: I had to go to my work place to get my pay and Michael kept grabbing me and telling me I'm He's and kept smirking at me
Mother2: I swear to you if I have to go over there I will
You: Calm Jess calm
Mother2: Only for you y/n
You: Please don't tell Pez
Mother2: A little late for that she's seen my phone she's on her way to you know
You: Ah fuck
Mother2: Let me know what happens 😏
Mother2: Hehe

Perrie arrives

So he kept saying you are he's how dare he! Pez please calm down you are scaring she said okay but only for you y/n I told her to sit down next to me but she sat on me Pez next to me woman she just laughed I went look I won't ever fall for him again and if I go to fall for him I'll let you and the girls know so you can snap me out of it okay she said promise promise babe I said I said come here and she hugged me her hugs are the most amazing things ever she looked at me and went I better go back I said okay and smiled she kissed me on the lips went whoops though that was your cheek I just chucked and went you keep telling yourself that aha bye Hun bye baby she replied I smiled

You: If you must know nothing happened
Mother2: Not even a kiss 😏
You: Okay we kissed if you must know
Mother2: Oi Oi so erm how did she react
You: She went really angry and scared but I calmed her down and no not by kissing her
Mother2 Hehe anyway I better go we are going sleep
You: Night mother

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it's going to be different scenarios ❤❤

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