Sleepover at y/n house

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So it's 10am and my phone was ringing and it was Perrie and it started of with her saying y/n but dragging it out I went yessss Pez she went can me and the girls have a sleepover at yours pleaseeee and then tomorrow we can go shopping pleaseeeeeeeeeee yes I replied yay she said yes and Jesy went Pez you didn't ask her to marry you I just laughed

* Little Mix arrive *
The door knocks and I open and I go heyyy girls and Jade goes someone is in a good mood I go yep and Perrie goes it's obviously because I'm here duh I went you keep telling yourself that Pez I'm just gonna pop to the loo

* Perrie's POV *
Y/n went to the toilet so I gather the girls around and say right I have something to say yous are my sisters so you deserve to know that I'm in love with y/n and I know she feels the same way

I came back downstairs and went ahem they all just went to sit down I sat next to Pez and rested my head on her and she went you alright babes you seemed in a good mood earlier I went mhm I'm good she went y/n tell me right know I showed her my phone and it was a message from Michael and it said why don't you just die y/n Pez went to me change your number I went will do so tomorrow she went okay babes
Shall we play a game Jade asked I went what game she said pie face and Pez went oh no I went yeah and smirked at Jade

* Perrie's POV *
Jade suggested to play pie face and I was like no but y/n wanted to she still had her head on me and we were holding hands and she kissed me on the cheek and said thank you for being here I said welcome babes but as she kissed me I bit my lip

Jade set up pie face and passes me it and I didn't get hit so it was Leigh's turn and she got hit in the face which made everyone laugh, within the next ten minutes everyone got hit
I got bored and squirted the whipped cream in my head and got Pez in the face she started sulking so I said come with me and she said okay I gave her a tea towel and she went y/n who's this other person that you want I said ah don't worry about it Pez

We went back in the living room and sat down Perrie being Perrie sat on me I went Pez you do know there is a seat there right
Yeah but you are more comfortable I was like Jess help me she was like nah

After an hour of talking we decide to go sleep

I went in my room and the girls went in the spare bedrooms about an hour later there was a knock on my bedroom door and I went come in and it was Pez and she went I had a nightmare I went come here babes and hugged her and shortly after we feel asleep.

A/N: I thought this was good to do plus I'm planning tomorrow's uploads 😊😊❤

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