The media get involved

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So it's the next morning after the girls and the crew finding out me and Perrie are dating now today is the day we tell the mixers as well as my subscribers I really hope they are happy for both me and Perrie.
So I got out of the bunk and went into the chilling area as I was the last one up I sat down when then I was greeted by Pez saying morning baby are you to let the world know about us? I replied with us I am ready let's do it now before I back out.

@y/t/n: So guys it's official me and Perrie are dating!! ❤️
@HannahSampson: OMG @y/t/n and Perrie @LittleMix are officially dating this is the best day of my life!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH ❤️
Then Perrie tweets out
@LittleMix: Hey mixers yes it's true me and y/n are officially dating hope you can accept that love you guys x
@BamForLife: OMG YES FINALLY NSVUDBGUV @y/t/n @LittleMix

Once we done that we decide to go and get something to eat all of us and we went to some Mexican palace I don't know Leigh choose it.

So me and y/n done it we told the mixers as well as her subscribers like I said I hope they can accept that, anyway we went to some restaurant I wasn't paying attention due to the fact I just wanted food as we got of the tour bus there was PAPS everywhere and I felt sorry for y/n as this is her first time being papped she was scared so I put her in front of me and told her to pull me along and she said Perrie I can't do it and ran back to the bus fucking paps!!

As we got of the bus I was getting papped I didn't like it so I ran on to the bus letting the girls continue there journey I just ate an apple then went on my laptop to see stories already popping up about me and Perrie one said is it true is Perrie really dating a girl??

Then I was receiving a lot of hate from well haters duh and it was getting to me I couldn't deal with it so I burst into tears

While we were in the restaurant all I could think about is y/n I want to know if she's okay this is new to her and she clearly didn't like it so I called the girls they all looked at me and I went y/n said to me she can't do this you don't think she's planning on breaking up with me do you I asked then Jesy went Perrie don't jump to conclusions she might of meant how she couldn't deal with the paps Pez she'll be okay and smiled I said thank you Jess

So it's been over an hour and the girls are still not back and I'm still receiving hate it's getting worse it's actually making me feel like what they are saying to me which is y/n you are worthless Perrie shouldn't be dating you and how I'm ugly and stuff like that I heard the door to the bus open and I heard a pap saying Perrie as if y/n is the one for you open your eyes Perrie so then Perrie replied with saying just leave me alone stop making up shit that isn't true she is the one for me don't like it then leave us be and slammed the door in his face

Ugh paps actually do my heading why do they have to get involved with EVERYTHING anyway I was trying to find y/n until I heard crying coming from her bunk so I opened the curtain and went baby come here and she cuddled into me and went Pez I don't like what they are saying to me and all the fucking shit the media are making up about me I can't deal with I'm sorry Pez I love and I always will but maybe us dating was a mistake I went y/n please no baby I want you to be mine I've literally just got you I'm not letting you go baby we can fight these idiotic people of please don't leave me I said as a tear rolled down my cheek

After what Perrie said I felt a tear hit my head and went Hun I won't leave you and I love you I'm sorry I was just upset and confused about it all I love you baby girl and kissed her and she kissed back until air became a problem

It was a hectic day with the media but I just wanted to sleep it off so I went sleep without saying night


Sorry for not uploading had a lot on at college ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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