Perrie and y/n make it offical

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It was the next day and I woke up with Perrie not by my side so I assumed she might be in the chilling area so I just stayed in bed and checked my phone and went on twitter as I haven't been on it since the day I filmed my YouTube video and I saw a tweet from @HannahSampson saying @HannahSampson: @y/twittername @LittleMix How is y/shipname not real I don't get it they are perfect for each other!

Then I saw Perrie replied to the tweet saying
@LittleMix: @HannahSampson @y/t/n Hannah you feel me I 100% agree with you ❤️ Perrie <3

I thought to myself should I reply to that tweet then I thought to myself no during the day my phone kept blowing up with notifications with mixers also my subscribers who agree with Perrie and Hannah well this morning is going to be awkward I thought to myself.

* Perrie's POV *
I decided to get up before y/n I know weird right but she was on my mind and not only that I'm thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend I don't want her heart to belong to anyone else but me selfish I know but it's true then I saw Hannah's tweet and I instantly replied in agreement with what she said, I heard someone come of the loo and it was y/n I said morning to her but she just flashed a smile at me is she okay?

So I got out of the toilet and Pez saw me and went morning I flashed a smile at her which caused worry to creep on to her face I went into my bunk and shut the curtain for privacy until Perrie opened it and asked me what was wrong I explained how I felt awkward because of Hannah's tweet and she went aww y/n there is nothing to be awkward about Hun it's me how can you feel awkward around me hmm she said I giggled a little bit and said your right how can anyone be awkward around you she laughed.

So it's around 1pm and the girlies have a day off due to jet lag so we were all siting in the chilling area well apart from Pez who decided to go back to sleep.

* Jesy's POV *
So we were all in the chilling bit part from Pez because she's a lazy shit and decided to go back to sleep so I decided me Jade and Leigh well mainly me to talk y/'n about her and Pez. Y/n I asked hmm she went I replied back with when the hell are you and Perrie gonna get together because I swear you two need to make official now you flirt with each other like it's nothing save yourselfs and date.

Okay wow Jess was all I managed to say she gave me a look as if to say go now and talk to her about I went ugh fine and got up, I went to Perrie's bunk where she was sleeping and went Pez Hun I know you are tired and sleepy but I need to talk to you about something.

* Perrie's POV *
Y/n woke me up in need to talk to me, she's not leaving is she? Oh god please say she's not leaving! I turned around she right sleepy head sit up we need to talk and before you think I'm about to tell you I'm leaving I'm not it's like she read my mind anyway she went Pez I've been meaning talk to you about this at some point

Pez I've been meaning to talk to you about this at some point Pez just nodded as if to say carry on and I went well we both like each other and well I'm not good at this shit man fucksake she giggled and went then let me do it for you baby.

* Perrie's POV *
So I decided to finish of y/n little session she need to talk to me about because she's not good at this shit her words not mine anyway I went so what your saying is you want to be official like me and you together she nodded like a 5 year old on Christmas Day I blushed then I said well I'll happily be yours y/n she smiled and pulled me into a hug and said right can we go and tell Jesy before she comes and finds me then kills me she laughed in between her sentences I said sure baby and she blushed I went aww you look cute when you blush

So we decided to gather the crew around and again because I'm not good at this shit Perrie told the crew for me we sat there holding hands Pez could tell I was worried so she rubbed my hand with her thumb and went guys I've got something to say it's your choice to accept it or not either way it won't stop us then Jesy goes oh for crying out loud hurry up I laughed
Perrie said me and y/n are finally together and Jesy gave me a mum look to say well done I smiled in response.

* Perrie's POV *
She's finally mine I thought to myself sitting there smiling

Me and Perrie are now together I couldn't be more happier Pez and the girls said to tell the mixers tomorrow we all agreed on that

It was 11pm so we all decided to go sleep and I was sharing with Perrie who was probably the most happiest person ever right now

I tuned to face and I said night Hun and kissed on the cheek she smiled and went night baba and kissed me on the lips

Shorty after that I fell asleep with a smile on my face


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