Little Mix go on tour

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* Perrie's POV *
So it's a  couple of days later and me and the girls have had a couple of meeting and turns out we are going on tour from today y/n is still asleep and I need to wake her up because she's coming with us and she needs to pack, y/n I say wake up

All I heard was someone call my name and I turned over my eyes still closed knowing it was Perrie so I pulled her down to my level she screamed I laughed and went Morning princess she went morning baba we need to pack baby I went ugh and got up and put my shorts on and a vest.

As the day goes on me and Pez are still packing and I had a break for some food so I went downstairs to Perrie sitting on the sofa watching TV I sat next to her and put my head on her feeling worried

* Perrie's POV *
So next y/n came to sit next to me with her head on my shoulders looking worried so I asked her what was wrong and she said I've never been away before I'm  scared because I've never ever been on a plane Pez

So I told Perrie I've never been on a plane and she said y/n I'll be with you you'll be fine if you get scared just cuddle into me okay  Hun and kissed my forehead.

It's now 5pm and the tour bus arrived with the other girls in it so me and Pez  went in there and I said hi to the rest of the girls they all said hi back, I went to sit down but Perrie pulled me into the bunk room and asked if I was okay and I said yes I'm fine now with you girls around me because I know you will all be here for me and gave her hug.
Me and the girls were feeling hungry  so we decided to go McDonald's and I sat next to Perrie and we were holding hands underneath the table even though we aren't dating it felt so right and she could tell I'm still worried

* Perrie's POV *
After we all ate our food we obviously went back onto the tour bus and we just chilled for a little played a few games but at the moment I thinking back to McDonald's when me and y/n were holding hands I really want her to be mine before someone else comes along and steals her heart from me

As the night went on we finally decided to go sleep so I went to my bunk but all heard was ahem and I went yes Pez she went because it's the first night and you are still worried do you want to share my bunk with me she asked I smiled and replied yes I would like to I've never seen her so happy about someone sharing with her I want to be hers but I'm not quite ready to date yet I'm nearly there though.

Night girls Jesy said we all replied and said night

Night baby Perrie said to me I smiled and went night baby girl and she had her arms around my waist I feel so safe in her arms

After awhile I drifted of to sleep

A/N: Guys I'm so sorry for not uploading please forgive me college is taking up most of my time with work to do at home ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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