Arguements ( GroupChat )

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Je: Y/n come on come back
Y/n: Why should I come back huh she's been cheating on me with Megan
P: Look I know I done wrong okay y/n but you mean the world to me
Y/n: If I mean the world to you then why cheat huh
Ja: Perrie she has a point
P: Jade I honestly didn't mean to 😭
Je: The amount of times she's given you chances Pez and then you do this
L: I have no words to say
Y/n: Look I get that I'm not perfect but you made me feel I was then you do this shit
P: I made you feel perfect?
Y/n: Yes you things you done for me just the little things made me feel like someone special to you but now I feel like nothing to anyone
Je: Y/n You've always been someone special to us girls especially Perrie even before you guys dated
Y/n left the group
Je: Course babes
P: Y/n fuck baby I love you and I'm sorry for hurting you I'm sorry for making you feel like I used because I didn't use you why the fuck would I use you Y/n you are someone special and you are perfect you don't need me or anyone to make you feel perfect babes I know that this might not bring you back as my girlfriend but please let us be friends because I'm willing to do that if you are I spoke to Megan and said I'm sorry but I love Y/n she didn't like that but I don't give a fuck because you mean everything to me, I love you baby ❤️❤️
Je: added Y/n
Y/n: Perrie I'm willing to be friends and you didn't have to do that if you love Megan there is nothing I can do about that like you said to me before you can't help who you love and that's true that's probably why I fell for you! ❤️
P: So please turn away from boarding that plane and come back please Y/n because the rest of tour won't be the same without you
Y/n: Someone meet me at the airport please
P: Already on it 😘
Y/n: See you soon 😘❤️

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