Groupchat part 8

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Ja: Hereeee
Je: Here
L: Yes
P: I need food
Y/N: Woman
P: What I'm hungry
Je: For what 😉
Ja: You would get it wouldn't you 😂
L: In my defence who didn't
P: Jess that was disgusting and I'm ordering pizza does anyone want some
Y/N: No thank 😊
P: Y/n you haven't eaten all day I'm worried
Ja: Pardon what now
Je: Agree with Jade
L: Y/N
Y/N left the group
P added y/n
P: Baby why'd you leave
Y/N: There is a reason to why I haven't eaten but don't want to say
Je: Are you pregnant
Y/N: What no Jess
Je: Just checking 😉😂
Ja: Back to the point
L: Y/N: You can tell us anything
Y/N: I don't want to eat because I'm trying to lose weight
P: Wait what for
Y/N: Nothing I just want to
Ja: You don't need to though
P: Agree with Jade baby you don't need to you are perfect that way you are ❤
Ja: Y/N/L/N you don't need to lose weight under any circumstances you are the perfect weight as your mother I forbid you to lose weight
Y/N: Well Dayum
P: So you want some pizza?
Y/N: You are so random but no thanks don't feel hungry baby girl ❤
Je: When the cute nicknames stop I'd like to say something
Y/N: 😂 go on
Je: I need to see you girls soon
L: It's been awhile since we've had a sleepover
Ja: Agreed why don't we arrange for  tomorrow
Je: Ok
P: YASS us girls together forever
Y/N: Erm....
P: You okay Hun
Y/N: I was going to go home 🏡
Je: Are you crazy
P: But 💔💔
Y/N: Sorry Pez
P: Have I done something wrong
Y/N: No it's my mum she's staying over and she don't know about the whole him situation baby
Y/N: What why
P: For worrying your future girlfriend
Y/N: Who said you was my future girlfriend
P: Hey 💔💔
Y/N: Hi oh wait lemme get the glue
Ja: Pahaha y/n your to much
Je: Sorry to break the banter but it's 3 am
Y/N: Nanite girlies ❤❤
P: Ahem
Y/N: Ahem night baby ❤❤
P: Yay anyway night ( don't be surprised if I'm next to you in the morning )
Y/N: Weird but okay
Ja: Night
Je: Nightttttt
L: Night xx

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