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It's a well hidden secret, an open knowledge amongst those who knew them, that Ybrahim and Amihan have feelings for one another. Even those who don't know them will spiral down to the secrecy of it all once they've come in contact with the two.

It baffled the majority why the two royals wouldn't admit anything at all. He had already established the fallen kingdom of Sapiro, and under his reign, the kingdom flourished and once again become a beauty of magnificence. What more can the prince-turned-king do to offer at the Lirean Queen's feet? She won't be Queen of the Diwatas forever.

Through it all, an underground betting took place. One by one, the citizens, frustrated to no end, made up a game to pass the time. The term is this: when will 'it' finally happen. Oh, they won't bet on who will make the first move. No. That's pish posh. Everyone knows it is King Ybrahim who will. Queen Amihan is too focused on Lireo and on training her daughter, Diwani Lira, to notice something amiss.

And so, they waited a breath for this event. As they wait, they will observe the royal couple as they always do to pass the jitters and the flutters of their poor nerves. Well, observe is putting it lightly, when in actuality, they stalk.

And that, my dear friends, was when it happened. Oh no, what occurred was not the term of the bet. But something more. One cannot simply see it at first glance, but it was there. A love so great that it burned unto their memories.


It started on an ordinary day. The sun was up illuminating the land, and the wind gently blowing to ease the temperature of the hot day. All in all, it was just an ordinary day. On this day, Queen Amihan was visiting the local village near her borders, accompanied by her trusted soldiers, sisters, and daughter. Since the village was in-between theirs and Sapiro, she extended an invitation to King Ybrahim in joining them. Naturally, he accepted.

With both seen together, walking around and playing with the children, the spectators, minus the queen's sisters, didn't bother to hide their staring on the royal couple. They followed their every move. Seeking a clue or plainly watching for gestures that will melt their hearts.

A child suggested playing tag, with the 'it' being blindfolded. King Ybrahim grinned and enthusiastically accepted being the 'it' as the children pulled some of the adults and sang'gres into this game.

"Ready or not, here I come!" The Sapirian King exclaimed. Thus, the chase began. The sound of children squealing and adults chuckling dominated the wind and carried it throughout the village. It invited the pashneas to their circle – some, looking curiously; while most happily pumped and jumped along.

The title of 'it' was passed around as the game progresses. Sometimes, an adult and sometimes a child was 'it.' This went on until the parents' noticed that it was almost sundown. The children slumped at the revelation. They earnestly requested Queen Amihan to let the game continue. For a moment, the queen was almost swept away with their puppy eyes and unshed tears. "Agape avi, children. Let's stop here for the day. Get ready for dinner and follow your parents."

They whined yet obeyed. With shoulders slumped and head hung low, they walked towards their respective homes. The parents' mouth a 'thank you' at the queen who waved their sentiments as it was not a problem to her.

And then, it happened.

Queen Amihan looked up at the sky. She smiled as she slowly trudged towards the cliff. The colors of the sunset – a shade of orange with a touch of red – made the queen ethereal in her form. The wind lightly breezed around her creating an illusion of her dress dancing to its music.

Then, at the corner of a spectator's eye, a movement caught its attention. King Ybrahim whose steps slow yet coupled with surety joined the queen at the cliff. He stopped at an arm's length before her. Far enough to give her the space she needed and near enough to allow his intention be known.

"Amihan." He greeted. He waited for her to acknowledge him. She inclined her head towards him without leaving her position. "Let's go home."

Maybe it was the rustling of the nearby trees, or the wind. Maybe it was the birds that passed by at that particular moment. Or maybe it was the picture holistically drawn, like it was taken from a canvass, with the sundown at the horizon, the trees and the wind and the birds, at the cliff with an encantado and an encantada at its center.

No one can pinpoint the what, but they could give the why. The watched and the center held. The love of two people was painted on the cliff.

No one else saw how she slowly turned from the setting sun and walked towards her waiting company. No one else saw how he stepped to the side to allow her movement. No one else saw how she didn't bat an eye towards him as she passed. No one else saw how he took it in stride just because.

And no one else saw the soft smile gracing their features as if a secret was shared and was sworn. He still kept his distance – far enough to give her space yet near enough to have his intent known. Yet, there may be something there that wasn't there before. That is, her steps. Slow enough to lengthen her moment with him yet fast enough to avoid the others know better.



Copyrights 2016

Plagiarism is a crime.

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