Finding Papa - Part 2

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Innate Paternal Instinct


"What?" Ybrahim blinked. Did he hear it right? Maybe he forgot to clean his ears because he might have heard wrongly of what his father, King Armeo, told him.

"I said, I want you to accompany Lady Isabela for the day. Entertain her. Tour her around the citadel. I don't want her cooped up in the palace all by herself."

He was interrupted during a pretty good practice fight for this? He couldn't believe it. Beside him, his Aldo Asval was fighting to laugh at his expense. "Why?" Alright, that was a dumb question. He practically knew the answer to that. His parents were match-making him again.

He stole a glance at the said lady who was standing beside her father, one of the council men, Lord Aditya, who was brimming with confidence and smugness at the chance of his daughter spending time with him. Lady Isabela is quite fair, physically, but as he observed from her stance and eyes, she's one of those who wanted to marry for status. She's practically glowing at the prospect of her 'snatching' him from where he stood.

"Because, Ybrahim, the lady has just arrived here and it's her first time coming to the capital from the country side." His mother explained. 'Then, why come here in the first place?' He thought. "Also, son, we have a council meeting all day. You don't want to impress to the Lady Isabela that we are bad hosts, are you? Besides, it is only for today."

He internally groaned. His mother used her sweet voice on him. The one he dubbed as 'you-better-follow-me-because-you-don't-want-to-let-me-down-do-you?' voice. Which is unfair. His mother knew he couldn't refuse her anything whenever she asked something out of him.

"As you wish." He resigned. "Let me dress appropriately for the tour."

"Ofcourse, rehav!" Lord Aditya's voice boomed. "My Isabela will wait for you at the palace entrance. Let me just say that I am really grateful for keeping her company today, Rehav Ybrahim!"

He nodded at the Lord. He bid his leave, then, quickly turned away from the room. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulders. He doesn't need to face the owner of the hand to know who it was.

"Yes, Aldo Asval?" He asked, evening out his tone.

His aldo walked in front him and he fought the urge to twitch in annoyance at the man. He wouldn't give the man the satisfaction to get a rise out of him. His aldo's a mean teaser, especially concerning his love life.

"Oh come on, hadia! I just wanted to wish you luck. Man, if I were any younger and didn't vow celibacy, I would be jealous of you for having a beautiful lady in his arms." The man wagged his brows.

He regarded his aldo coolly. "If you're so jealous, why don't you spend the day with the Lady Isabela instead? Bathala knows I will not stand in my aldo's way of happiness."

Aldo Asval laughed boisterously at his claim, and was wiping away tears at the corner of his eyes. "Oh Ybrahim! Bathala knows that was a good one." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I have to get back in the council room."

He nodded, and both of them walked away to their respective destinations. As he was nearing a corridor towards his room, Aldo Asval called back. "Enjoy your outing, Ybrahim. I mean it. You need the recreation."


Rehav Ybrahim and Lady Isabela were walking the streets of the marketplace. Many of the people stopped to bow at him, as well as greet him and wished him an enjoyable walk. He let Lady Isabela do what she wanted, but still keeping an eye on her. His mother, as nice as she was, would smack him to obedience if he let his companion out of his sight.

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