First Thing's First

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    Hello all fabulous writers and readers out there. So, until a few weeks ago I had no idea how to write something on Wattpad and then when I found out I was like 'yeah lets go write something' and then life got in the way of that so I haven't really gotten to write anything. I've had this account for like 5-6 months now so I know it took me a very long time to figure out how to write something on here. (Like srsly self? Really? That long?) But in my defense none of my Wattpad using friends told me how so...
    I decided since a bunch of my friends from school and on Wattpad have rant pages I thought why not let that be the first work I make? This is really just the introduction to let you know that my life is a jumble of school and extracurricular stuff and karate and procrastination and reading so updates may not be frequent or on schedule. Sry bout dat.
    But this is basically a list of my complaints that the world must know.

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