The Hobbit/TLOTR Movies

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SPOILER ALERT there are spoilers below so if you don't want to see them I suggest skipping this part.

Ok so recently I have gotten into The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings and I just finished watching all 3 Hobbit movies last night. (Not all on the same night tho) And I was struck throughout the movies with a sense of internal and even some external anger at how UNLIKE the book the movies were. I ranted about it throughout the movies and at one point my dad just stopped listening to me. He just watched and left me and my ranting to background noise.

But have you seen those movies? They have way too many orcs and in the book there was very little talk about the Necromancer and Gandalf's journey, not whole scenes dedicated to them! Oh and dont get me started on the love story between Kili and Tauriel. There was no romantic love in The Hobbit book at all. Oh but no Peter Johnson had to add these extra things. I just don't get it. You know?

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