would any of you?

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I'm just wondering if any of would completely embarrass a friend and then tease her yourself to save yourself from your own embarrassment? would you hurt someone just so that you wouldn't have felt that same pain? over something that's small that you OBVIOUSLY don't need to get riled up about?

@ a certain irl

WTF. Just because you're being teased doesn't mean that in order to draw attention away from yourself you have to basically throw me off a cliff! I have protected that certain secret of yours for so long! And what do you do when it comes up and you don't like it? You just SPILL MINE FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO SAVE YOUR OWN FRICKING SKIN. You betrayed me (i know that sounds cliche but that's what happened), and even if everyone already knew what you told them, you knew it was a sensitive thing that I don't like to talk about. YOU KNEW.

I don't know what to do about this, but I know one thing. I am very angry at you right now and I probably will be for a little while. because betraying a friend because you can't handle asking someone to stop embarrassing you is not what TRUE friends do.

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