Holy shitaki mushrooms

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Holy sh*t! I am sitting in the lobby at the JCC and in the workout room the TV is playing bullriding. There is a name for that but I don't remember. And this guy was being totally jostled (understatement) about and then he fell off and I'm just like why do you do this to yourselves? What is the point of riding an animal that clearly doesn't like it just to fall off in the end? Then another was filmed limping to who knows where and then I am hit with pity for both sides: the bull and human.

My head is in my hands as this guys basically breaks his back from the looks of it and this poor bull! He is a captive in this "sport" (sorry to anyone who likes to watch or do this. Just my opinion.) and he obviously hates having someone on his back. Which is taken advantage of by the humans. I mean of course I don't want the person to die but....just like...why?

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