last LAX practice

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today was my last LAX (lacrosse) practice of the season. 

the varsity team went i think 6 and 4 and the JV (junior varsity) went undefeated! We had a great season full of good efforts, skill, learning, and fun! I sure improved a LOT. 

the last practice was organized by the oldest one's on the team who are graduating this year. they ordered us ice cream and pizza and we played a bunch of games. 

1) Captain's Coming

2) Water Balloon Dodgeball (essentially a water balloon fight)

3) LAX capture the flag (capture the flag but with LAX sticks and a LAX ball)

4) Steal the Bacon

it was great. although i had abdominal cramps during the water balloon game so i missed out on that. :( . I'm going to miss all the graduates but I'll remember them.

at the end we did out school cheer. 

this entire chapter is cliche but its true. 

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