social interaction

13 1 4

sucks. in a mortifying way. you see, yesterday evening i went to a new neighbor meeting with these two 60 yr old oboists and my mother's two favorite college teachers that she STILL knows and their wives and then me. The only human in that room who is under 47 years old. And they talked about politics in the 60s and how parents suck because they complain about everything and how being an oboist is hard and about practicing and I had to answer so many FRIGGING QUESTIONS. Like "Where do you go to school honey?" "Um.........uh.....(insert school name here)." "What instrument do YOU play honey?" "Flute." 

I takled so quietly and my mom was SO EMBARASSIING and making actualluy pretty funny jokes but STILL. They were her COLLEGE PROFESSORS and our WEIRD NEIGHBORS and she was slightly drunk (i think) and I just don do social interaction.

my mother says im good at meeting new people but i dONT THInk sO!   

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