Sincere Apology

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Ok. First off, I am so sorry. If anything I write offends you or hurts you in any way please say something and I will attempt to change it. Not everything I can change and some of it is just my opinions but it was brought to my attention recently by a friend of mine that some of my previous chapters may be offensive to some people. Now don't worry, I have made changes and hopefully all is well. But please, do say something if I hurt you in any way. I try to be mindful of how people will react and how to express my opinions in a way that is not hurtful or mean.

Also, sorry about the length of some of my chapters. I definitely write too much and it' s not just on wattpad. At school (as you saw in an earlier part) I also write too much and sometimes it costs me. I apologize if I bore you.


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