Deadlines and Times

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I hate deadlines and times when I am supposed to be somewhere. I am one of those people who are frequently late (sorry to anyone who's pet peeve that is. It's an annoying habit.) and it annoys some people a lot. Like my dad. He's always on time or tries to be. Karate is one of those things that I am late for. I have karate today and I am probs gonna be late. Then my mom is gonna get mad at me even though she's the one I get it from. (She's late a lot as well. Or maybe it's just me.)

Deadlines though. Deadlines are the cause of 80%of my stress. There are deadlines for everything. All school work, childbirth (I couldn't think of another one), high school and college applications, registrations, job stuff etc. And just thinking about everything that needs to be done and why am I still procrastinating my life is gonna be so hard just stresses me out. Like right now. I have to be at karate in 10 mins. Ugh.

(Sry no time to edit have to leave foe karate)

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