Snow in Egypt (wait what)

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It was snowing in Egypt a few weeks ago.

Does that mean it's global warming or the opposite of global warming? Because I know for a fact that Egypt had not experienced snow in a very long time so why this year? Maybe global warming is taking the cold form the arctic to the northern part of Africa. Then it snows in Egypt.

So from a possibly reliable source (although I only checked one so I am not sure about this) it turns out it had been 112 yrs since Egypt had seen snow. It doesn't say why this happened but I suspect it had something to do with Global warming or El Niño.

Just think about it for a second. Snow in Egypt?? I mean it has been so long since the last snow in Egypt and if this is happening bc of Global Warming then who knows what else could happen. Russia's temps could go up from like -3 Celsius in the summer to like 50? Could we find snow in the Galapagos? Will the Caribbean suddenly disappear from the rising water levels? Bangladesh is already sinking so....I mean who knows?

There is evidence for this. Global Warming is not a lie! It is not something we can just put aside and wait for to happen and then start trying to save ourselves! No! We have to act now. Save the people in Bangladesh and save the people who are struggling from the effects of GW. We need to be innovative and creative and kind to the environment. And we need to help some people understand that GW is not a joke. There are people dying out there and we need to help them. I feel very strongly about this issue as you can see.

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