School Ruins My Life and I Am Inspirationless

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Something interesting to write...hmmmm. What would my readers want to hear? Oh that's right! This is my page to complain and be excited and stuff.
So what should my first actual story be? A fanfic? From what? An original work that is totally by me? What about? I need inspiration. Please leave ideas in the comments.
There's this weird little quilt on the wall next to my door that's a little smaller than my face and I have no idea where it came from. Maybe it from the Ohio Star like it says on the paper behind it. It was made by N. Ratcliffe. Maybe it's for faeries or fairies! Probs not though. Ok so it turns out that my mom's boyfriend gave it to her and she just hung it on the wall. I did not know this.
Do any of you like fancy tape? On my wall next to me I have two little pieces of paper taped with fancy tape. I don't know where I got it though. I have a memory only slightly (more than slightly) better than a goldfish's.
English is ruining my life. I will list for you weekly what I am expected to get done.
1) vocab packet
2) 3 vocab words from the SAT word list
3) 4 summaries of a book
4) a speech about the book
5) a diagram everyday
6) sometimes read multiple staves (chapters) from a very confusing book
7) then summarize the staves
8) sometimes give a presentation on the staves
Then there's all the other work from other subjects like Math, History, Science, sometimes Art, French,...what am I to do???? On top of that I now have to update my stories and rant page every now and then. Keep reading my choice books too. My life is like a fast moving train, going so quickly it doesn't let anything off but enough can get on so that soon all the cars (my brain capacity) are overflowing. But still, nothing gets off. Do any of you have suggestions on how to deal with this stuff and hints about getting better at time management? Please leave those in the comments.
Oh cool! Right now (or before I wrote anything after the last paragraph) I have 365 words! It's like I've written a word a day over the course of the year. Now there are 401 words.
What happens to eraser shavings and the words we erase? In a book I read called Crossed this boy's mother painted with water on rocks and when they evaporated she said the beautiful scenes joined the clouds in the sky. I wonder if there is a special place erased words go. Maybe they are renewed in the next word you write. Maybe nothing happens. Maybe I'm just a weird person who wonders crazy things.
I find it hilarious how my English teacher gets so excited about grammar and English in general. When we start having an off topic but deep conversation about the meaning of a word and how it changed from the meaning in Latin to how we have it today he just stops and says, "Wow. I really do love the English language," with a totally genuine smile on his face.
My mom annoys me so much. SO FRIGGING MUCH. After we have a fight I always feel super bad about it tho. She's amazing and even writing the sentence above ^ makes me feel slightly guilty. I love her and you should all take time for your mom to tell her how much you love her because there will come a time when you cant do that anymore.

luce . rantsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon