I am being annoyed

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I am a very serious person. Mostly. My facial expressions are not always goofy or fun or happy or excited. They are more blank or focused or serious. And I am teased because of this. Now don't get me wrong, I love to laugh and I have tons of fun and great friends but for some reason, me being more serious than not is a subject that must be made fun of. Sometimes it is just small mere annoyances that I can laugh off or roll my eyes at. But it starts to pile up. These annoying things are done over and over and over again and sometimes they are really just mean. My mom says to just ignore them and roll my eyes and not give them a reaction. This is probably the best course of action and I really try my hardest to do this but sometimes I just can't. Sometimes I wanna scream or yell or tell them outright how annoyed or angry what they're doing makes me. But I can't. So I sit and look stoic and straight ahead and let my anger simmer. Then when I get home sometimes it comes out as crying or getting mad at mom or, in the more fortunate cases, the anger has gone away already. I know it's unhealthy to bottle up emotions (which by the way is another thing im made fun of. Being "overly emotional") so I try to find an outlet. Does anyone else have these problems too so that I can make sure I am not the only one who has this feeling? Does anyone have suggestions about what to do? Because lately this has been getting kinda bad.

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