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WHAT IS THE POINT OF DIAGRAMMING??? When will I use this crap in my life? (sorry to anyone who likes diagramming. Just my very strong opinion.) I mean, it isn't that bad but it really only teaches you how to use certain kinds of words in what order. Everyday I have a diagram to do. So far I've done 87 in the last section of my diagramming career. It annoys the heck outta me. It gets harder and harder and I am sometimes afraid to ask a question in the class I have diagramming in because the teacher is so strict! (I mean who takes off 50% of a project if it's late?! Even less than a minute!) I work so hard and because I have great grades and help people out and I am held to a high standard of intellectual intelligence. But how and WHY am I supposed to know how to diagram? But, to be fair not all of it is that hard. I just don't understand how diagramming is so important. Do you feel me?

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