Why do you care

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I don't understand. Why does anyone read my rant book? Here I am writing about random things of no importance to anyone with good grammar and all while everyone else has something interesting or inspiring to write about. Why do you care? It's not like anyone actually reads what I write or cares at all. I'm just new with 17 followers (who I appreciate from the bottom of my heart) who has a rant book that makes no sense. I comment things that I think are helpful but really I'm just filling up the space. People waste their time on my trash and randomness that no one can relate to. For gods sake I haven't even started writing my actual book!!! All these incredible people are on Wattpad and some of them are even following me and I can never live up to your kindness and inspiration with a rant book like this piece of crap. Who am I kidding.

luce . rantsWhere stories live. Discover now