"if i were" tag

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if i were a month: september, march, or december (idk)

if i were a day: thursday or saturday

if i were a planet: mercury

if i were a god/goddess: definitely athena

if i were a sea animal: beluga or just whale in general

if i were a piece of furniture: glasses

if i were a gemstone: sapphire

if i were a flower: marigold (idk. its what i could think of)

if i were a type of weather: SANDSTORM

if i were a color: ombre gray

if i were an emotion: perplexed (idk)

if i were a fruit: pear

if i were an element: SAND (we are going to make this an element.)

if i were a place: the top of a hill during a light rain

if i were a taste: sour but then the aftertaste is sweet.

if i were a scent: the scent that always comes before and after rain

if i were a song: i honestly have NO IDEA. Drive maybe? by Halsey??

if i were a body part(s):long, thin fingers

if i were a pair of shoes: fitted running shoes

I tag.....whoever wants to. i rly dont care or know


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