To an irl (Is this an indirect? Idk)

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You need to stop. Ok? You are NOT allowed to dump your issues on me and my life even if you think I deserve it. Because I DONT. I try so hard and yet you feel the need to bring me down with you on a journey to a land of self hate and negativity. My life is already difficult enough as it is without you jumping at every chance you get to point out how i could be better. I don't need that glare that tells me "You are the biggest disappointment. I asked for more and what did I get? A little idiot who can't do the simplest thing for me." You know what? YOU are the one who asked for that thing. YOU are the one I could say no to. But guess what? I think about kindness. I think about what kinds of battles YOU might be fighting, and I make that change my actions. Clearly you don't. I will hold my head up high and think positively because I am STRONG. I will tell you how I feel. I won't change how I act towards you. With respect and kindness and compassion. And I hope you decide to do the same, because I think that I deserve respect and kindness and compassion as well.  

luce . rantsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora