The Vow is Known

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Malfoy woke up in the hospital wing half an hour later to see Madam Pomfrey standing over him.

"You're lucky your injuries weren't severe, Mr Malfoy. Just a mild concussion to your head. You should be safe from any lasting effects", she informed him kindly.

"I don't need your sympathies Matron. I believe you have many more worthy students to attend to rather than ex-Death Eaters", he retorted haughtily. He was an ex-Death Eater. He knew it. Everyone else knew it and he knew that everyone else knew it. Why bother pretending? Might as well play that card when it's needed.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, it's true I do", replied the matron, not unkindly, but it made Draco feel a pang of guilt, nevertheless. So when she continued, " ... which is why I will be discharging you. You are good to go", he felt more relieved than sorry and left immediately with a curt nod.

Draco walked down the corridor, but instead of taking the turn towards the dungeons of the Slytherins, he went straight towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Golden Trio", Draco said to the Fat Lady. It wasn't difficult to bully a first year and get the password. But the Fat Lady was another issue.

"You!! A Slytherin? As if I would let a Slytherin pass", she said indignantly.

"I gave the password.."

"Obviously ill-gotten.."

"Open up you fat goose before I blow you to bits." he hissed.

"Oh my! You brat! You need to learn to talk to a lady," she threw the door open, her face going pale, uttering a few choicest curses at him.

Draco walked in like he owned the place although the warm fire and the red curtains in the common room felt so foreign to him.

He liked the cold dungeons, dark and dreary, just like his life. It felt familiar and he had learnt to live with it. After all, the familiar was always better than the unknown, right? Right?

As his stormy grey eyes scanned the room, he spotted the Gryffindor Princess buried in books on a couch. He walked right up to her in hopes to scare her out of her wits. Oh, how wonderful it would be to make her face go pale with shock, just like the Fat Lady's. Priceless!

But nothing had prepared him for her annoyance. The moment he drew closer, her palm shot up, signaling him to stop, her face still buried in books.

"No, Ron. Just no. I already told you I will not be letting you copy off my Potions essay!" she said, scribbling furiously on the parchment with her writing hand.

So they copied off her? This is something I could use, he thought.

The know-it-all continued her rant and for the time being, he decided to let her talk, "Just go ask Harry if you're so desperate. I am sure..", and she looked up and stopped midway.

Her reaction was indeed priceless. She squinted at first as if to make sure she wasn't seeing things, then, eyes wide with shock and finally narrowing in suspicion, all in five seconds.

"Malfoy!" she spat. "How dare you come here??!" she screamed. "Give me one reason not to hex you. But wait, I'll still hex you", she said menacingly.

"Relax Granger", he drawled with his signature smirk.

Wait, what? Granger? No mudblood. Is Malfoy being civil? She thought, but decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

"I am just here to inform you of our date", he continued.

"What the hell are you talking about? Have you totally lost whatever marbles you had left?" She snorted.

"Well looks like I'm not the only one, then. You might want to ask your boyfriend about it", he said and left, with the smirk still plastered on his face.

Hermione immediately ran upstairs to the boy's dorms to find Ron zoning out while Harry and Ginny were fervently discussing tactics.

"RONALD WEASLEY!!!" She screamed, taking a dueling stance, making them all jump. Ron just became aware of his surroundings, but the moment he realised Hermione was around, he looked away.
That was it. She knew he had screwed up. Big time.

"What. Did. You. Do?" she hissed.

"Hermione, I am sorry", he moaned. Harry and Ginny thought it was a lovers quarrel and decided to slip out.

"WHAT DID YOU DO RON?? TELL ME BEFORE I HEX THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!!!" she said, not bothering to address them. They were bound to know sooner or later.

"I thought we would win 'Mione. I just..."

"Ron, just tell me what you did and maybe, just maybe, I won't hex you. What was Malfoy talking about?"

"Imadeabelableow", he muttered.


"I made an Unbreakable Vow 'Mione", he said, now in visible pain, speaking as fast as he could, "I-vowed-that-if-we-lost, you'd-go-on-a-date-with-him-but-I-never-thought-we'd-lose.." He sighed, adding, "I just wanted his broom". Saying that, he groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"You pimped me out for a broom?" Hermione whispered, loosening her dueling stance, her hands going limp, wand still clutched in her hand.

"No, Hermione, I would never.." Ron tried to say weakly, approaching the brunette. What he didn't realise that she had wordlessly conjured a flock of birds.

"STOP!" she said, shocking Ron still, in his tracks. "YOU PIMPED ME OUT FOR A BROOM!!! Opuggno!!!" she screamed, sending the flock of birds to attack him with all her rage.

"Hermione! Make them stop! Protego! Impedimenta! What the hell? Hermione!" he shouted curses at the birds, but they were too fast and his aim was too poor, so they continued to claw and peck at him while Hermione laughed maniacally.

"Oh, I'll make it stop alright. Our relationship that is. We're done Ronald Weasley! Good luck explaining that to the world", she spat and stormed away.

She flung the door open to find Harry and Ginny fallen on the floor rubbing their foreheads, both of them shocked.

She did not bother to find out if they'd heard and what they'd heard. She did not even bother when, a few moments later, she heard Ginny cast a Bat bogey hex at the obvious target, and shout, "You ungrateful git! How dare you sell her out! Just wait till Mum hears."

She just kept walking, and walking, and walking.... Until she reached a deserted corridor. And then she collapsed to the floor, crying her heart out.

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