Chapter One

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Chapter One

July 14th, 2016.

Finally, Warped Tour 2016 was here. I started doing my makeup when my phone started heavily vibrating, it was Josh. Josh was a merch guy for a smaller band who was on Warped who I could tell really had a crush on me, I really just am not interested at all. 

Hey! You’re still coming out today, right? Can’t wait to see you :)

I rolled my eyes and responded enthusiastically:

Of course! How could miss Warped Tour! Best line up on Warped I’ve seen in a while (:

"This year will be the year", I thought as I finished my natural but elaborate eye makeup. I was finally 18 on Warped, anything could happen. You never know, maybe one of those cute band guys would suddenly fall in love with me when we meet, I mean probably not but a girl can hope, right?

I put on my shorts, a cute crop top and my vans the grabbed my car keys. Time to pick up Nicole and Lauren. I got into my car and drove to their house and they enthusiastically opened the car doors and screamed in unison “WARPED TOUR TWENTY SIXTEEN HERE WE COME!”

On the way to the venue we blasted All Time Low, Tonight Alive, Of Mice & Men and my favorite Pierce the Veil. We got to the venue at 9:00 on the dot. I hate waiting on long lines, it makes me go crazy. Then I got a text from Josh:

Are you here yet? I can get you in early. Go around the parking lot and find the bus entrance xx

"Guys! Josh said he can get us in early, follow me!" I screeched as I lead them through the parking lot to the bus entrance.

"Come on, Daniella. Leading on the poor kid just isn’t fair, especially just to get into Warped early and just to get backstage." Nicole said.

"I know it seems like I’m using him, but I’m not making him think I’m interested. He’s a nice guy, a good friend. I’m pretty sure I’ve been making it clear that I’m not interested since we met when I was sixteen."

"Whatever you say." said Lauren in a snarky tone.

I rolled my eyes and continued leading them to the buses. I finally found the exit when I heard Josh scream my name.

"Josh!" I screamed back. "It’s been forever! How’ve you been?"

"It’s been good, I’ve missed you" he replied as he embraced me. "Nicole! Lauren! Man, I haven’t seen you guys since last Warped! Why didn’t you guys come out when the guys had a show in Manhattan with Daniella?"

"We had a wedding, you know we wouldn’t miss it if we didn’t have to!" replied Lauren.

"Ahh! I can’t believe you’re here! Let me get the guys and we can introduce you to some of the bands on Warped this year!" Josh said exuberantly. 

He got us three “No Escort Needed” passes to get back by the buses without him to hangout with the bands, then lead us to his band’s bus. The four guys Dan, Steven, Evan and Mark came off the bus and introduced themselves to us. I don’t think they remembered that we’ve met three other times, but whatever. I could tell this was gonna be a good day.

Josh had to go set up but Evan promised he’d introduce us to some of the bands. He brought us into the crowded catering area where it seemed all the bands were. I scanned the room and I saw all my favorite bands that we’d been jamming out to in the car on the way to the venue. Evan started leading the three of us to where they were sitting. Apparently, Evan and the guys had gotten really close to them. 

First, he introduced us to Tonight Alive.

Next, we met Of Mice & Men.

He then introduced us to All Time Low.

"Hey, I’m Jack, and that’s Alex, Rian, and Zack." Jack Barakat said as he smiled that cute, goofy smile. Alex waved, Rian saluted us then walked out of the room to answer his phone and Zack gave us a small, shy smile then put his headphones back in continued to listen to his music. 

Nicole has had a crush on Jack since as long as I could remember, I could tell she was screaming on the inside as the two of them were talking. Alex started talking to Lauren, I could see him flirting with her. I knew she liked it, too.

Nicole and Lauren continued their conversations with Jack and Alex while Evan introduced me to some more bands. I have never heard of half of them, but they all sounded pretty good. I looked over and then I see four guys walking into the catering hall. It was Pierce The Veil, my favorite band. Evan was into a full on conversation with one of the band’s guitarists but I pulled him aside and asked him “Do you know them?”

"Pierce The Veil? Fuck yeah! They’re the coolest guys on this tour! Why..?" he looked at me confused.

One Million thoughts rushed through my head as I tried to put together some answer for him. Truth is, I’ve had the biggest crush on Vic Fuentes since I was fifteen. Literally, a full on obsession.

"Well.. I just really, really, really want to get to know them." I replied.

"OHH!" Evan replied. "I see what you’re going for, I got you. Follow me."

We made our way through the hall and I turned back to see if Lauren and Nicole looked alright. They looked perfectly happy with All Time Low. I figured I should leave them be. 

I stood closely behind Evan as he said “Hey guys! What’s up!”

Mike replied, “Good, just chilling, how about you, man?”

"Good chilling, can’t wait for your set tonight man, it’s gonna be sick" Vic said. I was completely captivated by every word he said.

"We’re good, but whos’ your shadow though" Jaime said as he looked at me. 

"Oh" he laughed, "guys, I’d like you to meet my friend Daniella!" Evan replied.

"Hola, Daniella!" Jaime said as hugged me tightly. 

"Sorry for that, he’s a hugger," Mike replied as he giggled. "I’m Mike." Then he did a cute little wave.

Tony softly said “Hi, I’m Tony!” and flashed me a big smile.

Then Finally, Vic. He looked me deeply in the eyes as he shook my hand, “Hi, I’m Vic.” 

I was speechless. His eyes were so beautiful. His voice was beautiful. He was beautiful in every aspect. I could feel it, just in the way our eyes locked. He was something special. It was love at first sight.

"Hi" I said timidly.

Evan looked down at his watch and sternly said “Dammit! I’m late for soundcheck, can you guys take care of Daniella and her friends for me please!”

Evan barely finished his sentence before Vic already replied “Yes! Gladly! You got it!”

I started blushing and tried to snap myself out of it as quickly as possible. 

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