Chapter Six

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It was 8 o’clock and bus call was 1:30 am. We headed over to Tonight Alive’s bus to see All Time Low, Tonight Alive, Nicole, Evan, Josh and like fifteen other people with familiar faces standing outside holding beers. I saw Nicole and Jenna talking. I ran over to them and Nicole gave me a big hug and screamed “Jack asked me to be his girlfriend! I’m so happy!!” We both screamed. I hope they work out. I’m just worried about her. I just don’t want her to get hurt. Jenna walked away and went to talk to Vic. 

“You and Jenna are getting pretty close now.” I said to Nicole.

“Yeah, it’s crazy.” She said. “I never thought I’d be best friends with Jenna McDougall. She smiled.

“Me either.” I shrugged.

Nicole walked back over to Jack leaving me standing there by myself. That was weird, I thought. I started making my way back to Vic and the second Jenna saw me approaching she grabbed Vic and lead him to one of the tables. ‘What is going on?’ I thought to myself.

I shrugged it off and walked over to Jaime and Mike. Mike looked at me said “Do you realize what just happened?” 

“No..?” I responded.

Jaime giggled and said “looks like someone’s trying to take Vic from you.” 

“Oh no,” I laughed. “That’s not true, they’re close friends. Plus, I don’t see Jenna as that kind of person.”

“Well you better start seeing her that way.” Mike said as he turned around and started walking away from the party.

“It’s true,” Jaime said. “Jenna’s liked Vic for a long time. He’s just to blind to see it. I don’t think she’s much competition. I’ll keep an eye on her for you.” He said.

“You’re the best, Jaime.” I laughed and gave him a hug.

I walked over to Nicole and Jack. It was all small talk, nothing big.

“I’m glad everyone know she’s mine, and I’m serious about her.” He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

“That’s so cute.” I smiled.

I looked over and saw Jenna leaning in really close to Vic. It looked like she was about to kiss him. Since panicking and going to the worst possible situation first, I looked around for Jaime and when I finally laid eyes on him I saw him walking their way. He really is a great friend. He interrupted their conversation, grabbed Jenna and brought her over to Mike and a few other guys to talk leaving Vic alone. 

I walked over to him and said, “I think I’m just gonna go back on the bus. I’m just not feeling this tonight.” 

“I completely understand,” he started to say. “I’ll come back with you. I know it’s your last day in New York for a while, it probably has you feeling a little funny.” He took my hand and we walked back to the bus.

“I can’t believe Nicole and Jack are actually dating! I never saw him as the kind of relationship guy to be honest.” I said.

“I mean he’s had a few relationships, but this one is different. I can tell in the way he looks at her.” He smiled, “he really cares about her.”

“I hope he does, the last thing I want is for Nicole to get hurt.” I said.

“Well, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” Vic said.

Oh my God. I hate these ‘can we talk’ or ‘I need to ask you something’ questions. They make my heart race. As I have my little panic session in my mind, Vic kisses me.

“That’s not a question.” I giggled.

“Oops” he laughed. “I just don’t want you to think that I’m only asking you cause Jack did. I really mean it, that’s the reason why you’re here and.. so.. will you be my girlfriend?”

“Of course I will.” I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. We started kissing and that lead to other things…

We ended up falling asleep and I woke up in his arms. I was kinda confused at first and remembered we were moving since we had to make our way to Jersey. I still can’t process that I’m on Warped Tour with Vic Fuentes, my boyfriend. I love how safe he makes me feel, he makes me so happy. He finally woke up and kissed me on the forehead.

“Good morning.” I kissed him.

“Good morning.” He smiled.

He got up and walked up to the front of the bus to see if we were almost there yet. I put on one of Vic’s shirts and started making coffee. Tony came from the back and put on a movie. 

“Hey Tony!” I said to him enthusiastically.

“Good morning, Daniella.” He said in a sleepy voice. “Are you excited for today?”

“Of course!” I exclaimed. “I still can’t believe I’m here.”

“It’s pretty surreal at first, but you’re gonna be around for a while so get used to it.” He smirked.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“You and Vic are gonna last. I can feel it.” He said as he grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal.

“You think so? Everyone’s been saying that, it’s only been like two days..” I said and Tony interrupted me saying, “We can all see it. Trust us.” He smiled.

Vic came from the front and said “It’s 9:30 and we’re ten minutes away from the venue, we have a signing at 12:30 and we go on at 6:10 today.”

“Not bad.” Tony said shoving cereal into his mouth.

Jaime emerged from the back looking like he went hard last night, followed by Mike who looked more alive than ever.

“You guys missed a sick ass night.” Mike exclaimed.

“It was fun,” Jaime started to say. “But I’m not feeling this headache.” He went to the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of pills, a water bottle and went back to his bunk.

“So where’d you go yesterday? You disappeared and Jenna was really upset.” Mike said.

“We came back here.” Vic said.

“Oh, oh, oh I got you.” Mike said smirking. “Jenna was acting really weird she was about to cry when she saw you guys starting to walk away. I think she has a little crush on you, Vic.” 

“Nah, I doubt it.” Vic said. “Plus, I’m happy with my girlfriend anyways.” He bit his lip and looked at me.

“Oh girlfriend! Aw my little big brother is finally growing up!” Mike laughed as he messed up Vic’s hair.

“Shut up, Mike!” Vic retaliated.

“I’m happy for you two!” Tony cheered.

“Me too.” Mike said.

It made me feel good that the guys liked me, I must be doing something right. God, I feel like this is something special. I’m Vic Fuentes’ girlfriend this can’t be real life.

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