Chapter Fifteen

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Even though we had our dorm, we both knew we probably weren’t going to be spending much time there considering our houses were already so close to the school and I knew I’d probably just be spending most of my time and Vic’s. Once we were done, Elena went back home and I went over to the guys apartment. I had clothes and stuff there already because Vic and I both knew I’d pretty much be living there with them. They were still at the studio but I knew they’d be back in a little bit. I took a shower and got dressed, by the time I got dressed I heard them come in.
“I’m so hype for tonight.” I heard Mike saying as I walked through the hallway into the living room.
“Me too.” Tony smiled.
“Why are you guys so over excited?” Jaime asked.
“Uh I think you know why.” Mike winked.
“Mike, I love you but don’t be an asshole to my best friend.” I said.
“I won’t, I won’t. Come on, Dani have a little faith in me.” He said charmingly, “I don’t know man she’s different.”
“It’s something about those New York girls.” Vic laughed.
“Speaking of New York girls, how’s Nicole and Jack?” Jaime asked.
“Uh they’re good. Nicole’s pregnant.” I responded.
“What the fuck? Really.” Tony blurted out.
I laughed, “Mhmm. Nicole and I don’t really talk that much anymore.”
“I mean Jenna had a pretty strong influence on her over Warped…” Jaime said.
“I know, it’s whatever. That’s gonna be some kid, though.” I said.
“A little Jack. I’m scared, but so excited to see that.” Tony laughed.
“So how’d everything go today?” I asked.
“Pretty fucking awesome.” Mike said.
“Great.” Vic said shortly after. 
“I’m happy to hear.” I smiled.
“When are you coming into the studio to chill and listen? It’s so cool.” Tony asked.
“She doesn’t know if she wants to yet.” Vic answered for me.
“What, why?” Mike said shocked.
“I don’t know, I just want to hear it with everyone else. It’s a surprise.” I said.
“That’s no fun!” Tony shouted.
“Exactly.” Vic said.
“I’ll hear it with the rest of the world.” I smirked.
“We’ll get her to come by.” Jaime said to Vic.
“We’ll see about that.” I smiled. “The girls are gonna come at ten.”
“Yessss!” Mike exclaimed, “I got this.”
“Sounds good.” Jaime said.
“Oh Jaime, how’s your girlfriend been?” I asked.
“Ehh..” He said.
“Ehh?” Vic asked.
“I think I’m gonna break up with her. When we were together the past couple of days I tried so hard and she was so distant. She seemed so uninterested.” He let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry.” I frowned.
“Don’t be.” He said, “It just wasn’t meant to be.”
He walked into the hallways towards his room looking down.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have asked…” I said.
“No, don’t blame yourself. He’s been acting like that all day.” Tony said.
Vic took me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.
“You guys are one of those cute but touchy couples.” Mike said.
We both laughed.
“Uh thanks?” I smiled at Mike.
“No no it’s a good thing.” Mike said, “I like seeing my big bro happy.”
I looked up at Vic and he looked down at me. I kissed him and he smiled even bigger.
“I’m gonna go in the shower now..” Mike said walking out of the room.
“And it looks like you’re having a moment and I don’t have an excuse to leave the room so bye.” Tony said leaving.
We both laughed some more.
“They love to make it look like we’re always on top of each other.” I giggled.
“I mean, we usually are.” Vic said.
“Maybe a little.” I smiled.
We started kissing and Vic started exploring.
“You think this is a good idea? In the living room. With your brother and band members ten feet away.” I asked.
“Looks like we’ll have to move this into my room.” He said pulling me into the hallway towards his room.
“Looks like we’ll have to save this for later.” I said pulling away.
“Why do you always do this to me?” He whined.
“Do what?” I asked.
“You’re such a tease.” He pulled me closer to him.
“Maybe I am.” I smiled. 
He pinned me against the wall in the hallway.
“You’re cute.” He said.
“You’re really cute.” I said back.
He kissed me and I didn’t stop him from doing anything, suddenly he stopped and started walking away from me. 
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“You’ll have to wait for later.” He stuck out his tongue and began to walk out of the room.
“Who’s the tease now?” I said.
“Maybe I am.” He mimicked me. 
I pushed him and said “Shut up!”
“You shut up.” He interlocked his fingers with mine.
“Make me.” I said.
“Gladly.” He said before kissing me.
Tony opened his door, said “Uh uhh uh sorry!” and closed it again.
“Tony! It’s all good come back out.” Vic laughed.
“Sorry about that.” He said opening the door.
“Don’t be. It was nothing.” I laughed.
“Uh okay.” He said walking into the living room.
“Come here.” Vic pulled me into his room and kissed me.
“I’m a lucky guy.” He smiled, our foreheads were pressed together.
“I’m a luckier girl.” I bit my lip.
He kissed me again. I put my arounds around his neck and we stood there smiling at each other not moving, not saying a word. It wasn’t an awkward silence or too quiet. It was perfect. We could stay here like this for the rest of the night just looking a each other smiling. I loved seeing him smile, and knowing I was the cause of that smile just made his smiles ten times more enjoyable. 
“I think I should get in the shower and start getting ready.” He said.
“No.” I said.
“No?” He looked confused.
“Stay with me a little longer.” I said.
“Of course.” He smiled.
He hugged me tightly and rested his chin on my head.
“Not gonna lie, we are a cute couple.” I said to him.
“Of course we are, beautiful.” He said back.
“Yeah, I should probably let you go now.” I said.
He laughed. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” I said back to him as he walked out of the room.
I pulled out my phone and put it on the charger.
I looked at my messages and saw a text from Nicole.
-FaceTime me?
I didn’t even respond, I just decided to call her.
“Hey.” She said.
“Hi.” I said.
“I have news.” She said.
“Really? What’s up?” I said quickly.
She smiled really big and said “Jack and I are coming home!”
“Really!” I said.
“Yeah, the band is gonna stay here and a friend of theirs is gonna fill in for Jack for this tour. He really just wants to be home with me and help me with this pregnancy.” She said.
I was actually really surprised Jack was doing this, but I was happy for them.
“That’s great!” I said, “When are you coming back?”
“Next week.” She smiled.
“Aww that’s really great.” I said.
“I know, I miss all of you guys.” She said.
“Yeah, it’s been weird being with Elena, Alex and Natalie without you.” I responded.
“Ah, I miss those days.” She sighed, “but I’ll be back before you know it.”
I smiled.
“I gotta go! I’ll talk to you later, the boys are on in ten.” She said.
“Bye.” I hung up.
Wow. I sat there thinking about Jack and Nicole and their baby when Vic walked in the room.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing, just thinking.” I answered.
“About what?”
“Nicole and Jack are coming home next week. He’s leaving this tour to be with her.” I said.
“Wow. Really?” Vic said.
“That’s good for them though.” He turned away.
He put on a t shirt and pants and layed next to me. I was scrolling through my twitter timeline and my Instagram newsfeed. He took my phone and put it on the side table.
“What are you doing?” I laughed.
“Nothing.” He said.
“Why’d you take my phone?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Cause I wanted to spend time with you.”
I gave him a look and kissed him. He blushed.
“Maybe the guys are right.” I said. 
“About what?” He looked confused.
“We always are on top of each other.” 
“That’s not always a bad thing.” He said.
“For us it’s not.” I kissed him again.
“I like it.” He said.
“Me too.” I smiled.
“I love having you here.” He 
“What do you mean?” I said.
“I love that you’re here with me. You’re always here, for everything.” He said.
“I like being with you. It’s where I’m happiest.” I smiled.
“You make me really fucking happy.” He said.
“You make me happier.” 
He put his hand on the side of my face and pushed my hair out of my face. He didn’t say anything he just looked me in the eye. My phone started to ring, ruining the moment completely. 
“Fuck.” I said before reaching for my phone.
“Hello?” I answered the unfamiliar number. 
“Daniella, it’s Natalie.” 
“Oh hi.. Who’s phone are you calling from?” I asked.
“My cousin’s.” She answered.
“Oh gotcha.”
“Uh I’m gonna come over to the guys apartment a little before Alex and Elena do, is that alright?” She said.
“Of course. Why aren’t you coming with them?” I asked.
“Uhh… Um.. I don’t know it’s just easier cause I’m closer now and stuff. And I just wanna hangout with the guys but yeah I have to go, I’ll see you in a bit.” She hung up.
“That was fucking weird.” I said putting my phone down.
“Natalie?” He asked.
“Mhm. She’s gonna come by a little earlier than Alex and Elena. I don’t know why she can’t just come with them but whatever.” I said.
“Ehh, whatever. It’s not a hug deal, the guys won’t care.” He said.
“I know, she was just acting weird on the phone and she hasn’t acted that way in a really long time.” I said.
“What weirdly like that?” He asked.
“Yeah. Before her and I were actually friends we started talking and then she hooked up with someone I was with and it’s a long story, but she acted weird and wanted to… You know what I’ll tell you that story another time.” I wrapped my arms around him.
“Okay.” He said.
We layed there like that talking about random things and having cute conversations for about an hour.
“Can we just stay here together and ditch them?” I asked.
“I wish we could.” He smiled.
“Why can’t we then?” I asked.
“Tony, Mike and Jaime would kill me.” He laughed.
“I don’t know, they just want us to be there.” He replied.
“Uhh okay.” I said.
“We’ll have a good night.” He said kissing my head.
“We could have a really good night if we stay right here.” I smirked.
“Oh really?” He smirked right back at me.
“Yes actually.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Maybe we can have that really good night tomorrow.” He winked.
“Maybe.” I smiled. I started to get up out of bed when he pulled me back towards him like he usually does. His arms were around my waist and he has his chin on my shoulder.
“Where are you going?” 
“Into the living room.” I answered.
“Nooooooo. Stay with me.” He whined.
I turned and face him, “Of course.” I smiled.
My phone started ringing again. I went to reach for it and Vic reached over me and took it. 
“Give me my phone Vic.” I said.
“You’ll have to reach for it.” He said standing up.
“You know you’re not as tall as you think.” I smirked.
“I’m still way taller than you.” He smiled down at me.
“You have a point.” I said.
I reached up at tried to pull his arm down but by then the phone stopped ringing.
“You still want it?” He smirked.
“A little bit yeah.” I replied.
“Well what do I get if I give it back to you?” He smirked.
“Nothing.” I said back.
“Then I guess you’re not getting it back then.” He said starting to walk out of the room
“Hey what about making me stay with you?” I said.
“I mean I want you but..” He started to say.
“But what?” 
“You won’t give me anything for the phone.” He smirked.
“Come here you asshole.” I joked.
He put my phone in his pocket and walked over towards me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” He responded.
“Now give me phone it’s probably Natalie saying she’s here.” I said as he took my phone out of his pocket.
I called her back and Vic sat on the bed. 
“She’s coming up now.”
“Guess we better head out there then.” He said.
We walked into the living room and Jaime and Tony were watching TV. Mike was smoking a blunt. I walked over to him and took a hit. He smiled.
“You know you’re probably the chilliest ones of Vic’s girlfriends.” He said.
“Well thank you.” I smiled then looked up at Vic.
He looked down at the floor smiling. Whenever Mike said anything about us being together he always did that, it was so cute.
“Natalie should be up here any minute.” Vic said changing the topic.
“With Alex and Elena?” Tony asked.
“Nah they’re coming in a little bit.” Vic said.
“Oh cool.” Tony said.
“So do any of you actually remember her last night or?” I asked.
“Uhh she was alright, a little annoying at times.” Mike said.
“Yeah, I feel you.” I replied, “She’s a stereotypical obnoxious Italian Brooklyn girl.”
“A little bit..” Jaime agreed.
I laughed, she knocked on the door.
“Here we go.” I said opening the door.
“Hey!” She exclaimed.
“Hi!” I said, “well you know everyone from last night.” 
“Yep.” She laughed.
“You were in the city?” I asked.
“Yeah, you know it was just easier and stuff.” Her voice drifted off. She walked over to where the boys were standing and asked, “So what’s up guys?”
“Nothing, just chilling.” Jaime laughed.
“You guys were recording or something today right?” She asked.
“Yup, we just started working on some stuff.” Vic said.
“OHHHH really? That’s so cool.” She giggled.
I could tell when Natalie was flirting by her voice, her vocabulary and the way she was standing. She was flirting with Vic. Not the first time she was trying to take what was mine. I just brushed it off and acted like it was nothing since I know Vic is oblivious to it.
“I’ll be right back.” I said. I pulled my phone out and started to walk towards Vic’s room.
“Where are you going?” Vic asked.
“I’ll be right back, don’t worry.” I fakes a laugh.
I called Elena. 
“Are you guys on your way yet?” I asked urgently.
“I just picked up Alex we’re going over the bridge.” She replied, “Why? What’s wrong?”
“Natalie’s at it again… with Vic.”
“Ugh really? I swear she always does this. We’ll be there soon.” She said hanging up the phone.
I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me and Vic entered the hallway.
“Are you good?” He asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“You just randomly walked out and looked kinda pissed.” He said.
“Nah, it’s fine. They’re on their way.” I smiled and took his hand.
We walked into the living room and Natalie was asking Mike about Alex. I could tell he felt a little uncomfortable. 
“Mike, wanna smoke?” I asked.
“Uh of course.” He replied.
“Me too, so light something.” I said. I really didn’t care about smoking but I felt like I needed to get off of the topic of Alex for Mike’s sake.
Mike pulled out a blunt and lit it. I took three hits and gave it back to him. Natalie stood there not saying a word.
“Anyone want?” Mike asked.
“I do!” Natalie exclaimed.
Natalie wasn’t one for weed. I remember she smoked once and people she was with said she pretended she was high off one hit. So I knew she was doing this to compete with me, she was always one of those “frenemy’s”. I kinda of had to be friends with her because of the common friends we had, no matter how much I didn’t want to.
She took a hit and handed it back to Mike. 
“Oh Natalie, Alex and Elena are almost here.” I said.
“Aw really.” She said.
“Uh yeah.”
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just we were just having fun here.” She said.
“Oh yeah.” I said unenthused.
“We should go downstairs and just wait outside for them, save time.” Jaime said.
“Good idea!” Tony agreed.
At least I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t necessarily enthused by Natalie’s presence.
We took the elevator downstairs and at that point I wasn’t paying attention to a word Natalie said, until she said “You remember that Dani?”
“Uh parts of it.” I lied since I was tuning out what she said.
We got downstairs and Mike pulled out cigarettes. I took one cause why not? I hadn’t smoked since I was fifteen around the corner from my high school before rehearsal for the school musical with a girl I used to be close with.
I lit it and Vic gave me a look. 
Jaime, Tony, Mike and Natalie were having their own conversation.
“Since when do you smoke cigarettes?” He asked aggressively. 
“I haven’t in years.” I said.
“Oh.” He sounded mad.
The two of us stood there in silence while the rest of them talked, finally we saw Elena and Alex walking up the street.
“You guys ready?” Elena said kissing me on the cheek. 
I don’t know if it’s weird in other places, but a kiss on the cheek is how we say hi and goodbye usually.
I said hi to Alex and everyone said hi. Alex and Mike said hi to each other last and I watched them. They were so flirting with each other.
We walked to a club Elena had been talking about and it seemed pretty cool in there. On the way there we walked in groups and pairs kinda, Mike and Alex, Natalie, Elena, Tony and Jaime, and Vic and I. Vic didn’t say a word to me. I tried to hold his hand but he pulled away. Was he really that mad over a cigarette?
The second we entered I started drinking and dancing and everyone was having a good time. Vic still wouldn’t talk to me.
Natalie was talking to Tony and Mike while Alex, Elena and I were dancing. Jaime and Vic were sitting down drinking. I was on the verge of being drunk when Natalie came over to us and asked, “Are you and Vic okay? He looked kinda upset and you guys haven’t said a word to each other since before.”
I started to drink my drink.”Uhhh I don’t really know.” I said.
“Aww I’m sorry.” She said, “What happened?”
“I guess he was mad I smoked or something I really don’t know but I’m gonna have fun and stop stressing over that now.” I said as she walked back to Mike and Tony.
I brushed what Natalie said off, drank some more and was feeling drunk as fuck.
I went to the bathroom with Elena because she was trying to tell me something but I couldn’t hear we over the music and Alex went over to Mike.
“Tony is really cute.” She said to me when we entered the bathroom.
“Really?” I smirked at her.
“Daniella shut up!” She blushed.
“So flirt with him a little see how it goes.” I said.
“You don’t think it’s gonna be weird cause it’s one of your boyfriend’s beat friends?” She asked.
“No, not at all.” I smiled, “plus, Alex one of my best friends probably is gonna get with my boyfriend’s brother. Trust me, it’s not weird.”
We walked out of the bathroom and as we were walking back towards where we left everyone I saw Natalie practically on top of Vic. She was leaning in closely to him and he was sitting there, oblivious that’s she’s flirting with him. I stormed over to them.
“Uh hello?” I said.
“Hey Daniella.” Natalie giggled.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked sternly.
“Talking to Vic.” She said looking at him.
He looked at me confused.
“Why the fuck do you always do this to us? Every time we’re happy with a guy you just flirt with them and are all over them like we’re not here.” I said.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve been flirting with Vic this whole time don’t lie. And you knew we were like fighting or there’s tension or something and that makes it ten times more fucked up.” I said.
I know the facial expressions and the tone of her voice when she’s lying.
“I’m not flirting with him.” She squealed.
“That’s bullshit.” I said.
“Whatever.” She said walking away and over to Elena, Jaime and Tony.
I picked up my cup and comopletely chugged it.
“You really thought she was flirting with me?” Vic asked.
“I know her. She was I can tell. And you’re oblivious to when girls are flirting with you.. Ha ha remember Jenna? Yeah. So don’t try to tell me she wasn’t all over you while I was gone cause she was getting pretty close.” I snapped.
He didn’t say anything he looked down.
“I’m sorry.” I said, “God I’m so stupid. It’s not yore fault it’s hers. I shouldn’t have went off..”
He cut me off, “It’s okay. It’s cute when you get jealous. I’m sorry about the cigarette thing it was stupid. I just hate them they’re gross and it’s not worth smoking” He kissed my temple.
I smiled.
“Then I won’t smoke one again.” I said.
“Good.” He said, “now, can we have a good time and maybe repeat last night?” He winked at me.
“I’m down if you are.” I kissed him.
It was a big blur of fun all night. A lot of liquor, a little bit of weed and a lot of Vic.
I guess Elena and Tony didn’t hit it im off cause the only ones who came back to the apartment were Tony, Jaime, Alex, Mike, Vic and I. The last clear memories I have are of seeing Mike and Alex making out against a wall and Vic dancing with me. We stumbled into the apartment, drunk and high. Jaime and Tony slept in the same room since Mike had Alex over. I knew they were gonna fuck.
Vic and I went into his room and had sex again. I was so gone I couldn’t remember any of it by the time I woke up.

Kissing In Cars: With Heaven Above You, There's Hell Over MeWhere stories live. Discover now