Chapter Twenty

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Today was my last day of class for the week, I guess college wasn’t so bad after all.

I got dressed, grabbed my books and went to class. I was bored out of my mind in my math class and decided to text Elena, Nicole, Alex, Natalie (ugh but I had to) and a couple of my guy friends Vic hasn’t met yet asking if they wanted to come hangout tonight. They all said yes. Vic would have Jack and Mike and Tony and Jaime if he hated my friends that much, which I doubt he will. I was excited for tonight and it was getting my mind off of everything going on with Vic right now.

My last class ended but my professor asked me to stay back for a little to talk to me about some internship opportunity he thought I’d be perfect for. I told him I’d think about it and he ended up going on and on for half an hour about how I really should do this. By the time I got back to the apartment it was already 5:30 and the guys were still at the studio. I figured I’d get as much homework out if the way as I could before they came home. They came into the apartment around 8:30 and they didn’t seem to be in such a great mood.

“How’d everything go today?” I asked them.

“We have to do this whole fucking track over.” Mike whined.

“That means we need more studio time, fuck.” Vic moaned.

“I’m sorry.” I frowned.

“It’s not your fault, we all just weren’t our best today.” Jaime sighed.

“So tonight we’ll have fun, you can forget about that for a bit. It’ll be nice.” I smiled.

“Good, I think we need it.” Mike sighed.

“I got Alex, Nicole&Jack, Elena, Natalie and a couple of friends you haven’t met yet.”

“Like who?” Vic asked.

“Danny, Matt, James, Chris, Dean, and the rest of the guys.” I shrugged.

“Oh.” He snapped.

There’s the jealous side of Vic they were telling me about.

“It’ll be fun.” I smiled.

“Mhm.” He groaned as he walked to his room.

“Is this the jealous side?” I asked the boys.

“Yup, good luck.” Jaime said.

“They’re like my brothers, I grew up with them it’s not like I’d ever be interested in them. I know too much about them.” I said.

“Vic just nervous. He wants to be the only guy in your life.” Mike shrugged.

“Aw that’s cute.” I said.

“He’s crazy about you.” Tony smiled.

“I know.” I said, “I must be crazier for him than he is for me after all of this.”

“He didn’t do it on purpose.” Mike snapped.

“And?” I snapped right back at him. “What do you want me to? Forget it fucking happened? I’m trying to, Mike. I’m really trying. But it’s fucking tearing me apart. You don’t understand.” 

“He already feels like shit.” Mike said in a rude tone.

“I feel like shit too, and I’m trying my hardest to make him feel okay. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t be here right now. I would be gone. So don’t act like I don’t care about him cause he’s all I care about and I know he’s your brother and you want him to be happy, but you need to let me handle my relationship and stop with the attitude towards me. I haven’t done anything wrong other than react to what’s been done.”

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