Chapter Seven

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I blushed and went to the back and layed down in Vic’s bunk. I feel like this is a dream that I haven’t woken up from yet, it’s too perfect to be real. 

I was laying there and I got a text from Josh.

I’m sorry we didn’t see each other much, I was just really busy with the merch and after being out there all day I usually pass out and on days off I sleep. Next time I’m back in New York we’ll hang, I hope.

- Josh x

I completely forgot about Josh and he’s the only reason I’m here!

Omg Josh! We can hangout any day you want I’ll come by the tent today or something. I’m staying on Pierce the Veil’s bus! 

I sent the text and Vic came and layed down next to me. “You’re so beautiful.” He looked deeply into my eyes, “I think bringing you was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

“I think coming was the best one I’ve ever made.” I kissed him.

I’ve gotten so use to him and this is only the third day I’ve known him. I’m used to his voice, his smell, his touch, his everything and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it.

We can lay together on that bunk for hours and just talk about anything. I’ve learned about his demons, he’s learned about mine. His mind is this intriguing place, he always has something brilliant to say and he knows exactly when to say it. Everything about him was so intriguing.

He had to head over to the signing so he got dressed and I decided I’d go see Josh. He never answered my text, but I knew where to find him.

I walked through all the crowds and lines to finally find Josh sitting behind the table making a sale.

“Hey Josh!” I said.

“Hi.” He said so unenthusiastically I felt kinda hurt by it.

“What’s up with you?” I asked him.

“Give me a minute.” He said as he helped a kid pick out merch.

Once the kid was a good five feet away and no one was at the table I asked again, “Why are you acting so hostile towards me?” 

“Do you really not see why, Daniella?” He said in a really angry voice. “The reason I asked you if you were coming to Warped this year was to see you. I’ve had this crush on you since we first met and now you’re on Pierce The Veil’s bus? What are you hooking up with all of them?” 

I interrupted him and started yelling back, “Josh! I never gave you any signals that showed I liked you. I tried to keep it friendly. I really like you as a friend, that’s why I came to see you and the band when you were here. To be friends. And no, I’m not hooking up with the whole band. Vic and I are together. I can’t believe you even just said that.”

“Whatever.” He said. I stormed off and headed over to Pierce The Veil’s tent to find the guys and just calm down. I can’t believe Josh said that, though. I tried so hard not to lead him on, I feel kinda bad that I got him to let us backstage and stuff but I didn’t how much he actually liked me. 

I made my way to the tent and stood in the back waiting for them to finish their signing. An hour later they finally finished, it put a smile on my face to see how they made the fans so happy. It took my mind off of Josh for a while. But the fans made the guys even happier than they made them. We walked to the catering hall to hangout and found Jack and Nicole in there. 

“Hey guys!” Jaime called.

“Oh hey!” Jack said.

We all sat down together at the table. “What time do you guys go on tonight?” Mike asked Jack.

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