Chapter Twenty One

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Fast forward to a day before Christmas Eve.

Yesterday was my last day of finals and I was finally on break. I’ve been waiting for this day for what seemed like forever. Mike, Tony and Jaime were going back to California next week since they’re done in the studio. The album is fucking amazing, better than all of their other ones which says a lot since they’re all amazing. I was gonna miss them a lot since I’m not gonna see them until they come to New York for the A Day to Remember tour. It’s gonna feel a bit empty here without them.

Today Vic and I were gonna walk around the city like tourists and take pictures in front of the tree in Rockefeller Center and go look in all the decorations around the city. He woke me up around three cause if he didn’t I probably would’ve been asleep until like five.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Vic said softly, rubbing my arm.

“Good morning.” I replied.

He smiled.

“You literally could sleep for days lately.” He laughed.

“I know, but I’ve been enjoying every second of it.” I smiled.

“You might be, but it sucks for me.” He stuck his tongue out.

“Why?” I laughed.

“What am I supposed to do when you’re sleeping? I have nothing to do.” He said.

“Go hangout with Mike, Jaime and Tony.” I said.

“I spend too much time with them on tour, they’re my best friends. Sometimes we need a little separation.” He shrugged.

“Gotcha.” I said.

“And tonight it’s gonna be just you and me. And it’s gonna be the first Christmas I’ve ever done this.” He said.

“It’s pretty cool, I guess.” I shrugged.

“You guess?” 

“I mean I do this every year, only reason I’m looking forward to it is cause you’re coming with me.” I smiled.

“Our first Christmas.” He smiled.

“Yes.” I made a little half smile on my face because I didn’t want to look to overly happy about the way he said that because inside I just wanted to put on this huge smile that wouldn’t go away.

“And guess what?” He said.


“My parents are coming tomorrow for the week and leaving with the guys.” His face lit up.

“Aw! Really? That’s great!” I smiled.

“This is gonna be a good week.” He kissed my head.

“You just have to endure my family’s obnoxiousness on Christmas Eve…” I rolled my eyes.

“No, come on. They’re your parents, you love them.”

“I know I do, they just make everything frustrating. They know how happy you make me. It just gets under my skin.” I sighed.

“It’ll be okay.” He put his arm around me, “It’ll be worth it.” 

“I hope so…” I mumbled.

“It will be worth it, I promise.” He reassured me. 

I smiled at him.

“Now what?” I asked him.

“Now what, what?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m awake, now what?” 

“Now you’re up, and I’m no longer lonely.” He kissed my cheek.

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