Chapter Eight

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He grabbed my hand and we walked over to the stage. He knows exactly how to make me laugh and smile. Just knowing he’s mine makes me happy. 

He got his guitar and I watched him tune it and warm up. It was so cool to watch him play, I just stared.

“Come here.” He said.

“Uhh okay?” I answered.

I sat down next to him and he handed me the guitar. He placed his hands over mine and was teaching me to play. I really had no desire to learn but I wanted to just because he was the one teaching me. He had to go on stage for everyone and I stood on the side practically hiding. I hated knowing people could see me on the side of the stage. They came off stage and I have Vic and huge hug. “You did great, babe.” He gave me that smile and kissed me.

“Thank you, darling.” He smirked.

The four of them were so sweaty, but it’s part of tour life what could I say? We got back onto the bus and they all showered really quick and we headed back towards the stage to catch the end of All Time Low’s set. We got there and Jenna was there which made me feel really uncomfortable since she obviously likes Vic. The worst part was that she was with Nicole. Not only did Jenna McDougall want my boyfriend, she pretty much has taken my best friend too.

Vic and I stood holding hands while they played Dear Maria. Nicole’s eyes lit up while watching Jack play, she’s completely mesmerized by him. He actually treats her better than I had expected, I thought he was gonna be the stereotypical rock star with a big ego and tons of girls on his dick. I mean he has tons of girls on his dick, he just doesn’t have that big of an ego. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jenna eyeing Vic. Instinctively I wrap my arms around him and he rests his chin on my head. I’m trying to show Jenna he’s mine without having to actually say it.

All Time Low KILLED their set. They came off stage so pumped and the first thing Jack did was run off and kiss Nicole. We all went back to our buses but Jenna decided to come with us, of course.

We all sat in the front of the bus. I sat down between Jaime and Tony and of course Jenna squeezed her way between Vic and Mike. We were drinking and just talking, I was having fun it’s just that every time she talked I just hated her more. She was obviously flirting with Vic and he was too blind to see it. Alex came on the bus and was chilling with us too. He’s such a nice guy so maybe if I do to Alex what Jenna’s doing to Vic he’ll get the message? I hope.

I started flirting with Alex the exact same way Jenna was flirting with Vic. I mimicked her every move. I could see Vic was getting pissed and drinking more, but Jenna kept it up. I was actually starting to dislike her, a lot. By the end of the night Vic was drunk out of his mind, he’s really funny when he’s out of it. We layed down in his bunk and he had a laughing fit. He was so cute and he was saying the sweetest things ever. I know tomorrow he’s gonna be pissed about what I did to Alex but whatever, it’s exactly what Jenna was doing. 

We fell asleep together and I woke up alone. I got out of bed and walked to the front of the bus and Vic was sitting down watching TV. “Good morning, handsome.” I kissed his cheek.

“Good morning.” He said sternly. Oh shit he was pissed.

I’m play it off like I have no idea why he’s mad. “What’s wrong? A little hung over?” I teased.

“That and the fact you were all over Alex last night.” He said.

“I was doing the same thing to him Jenna was doing to you.” I frowned.

“The difference is it was her initiating it, not me.” He argued.

“You don’t understand I told you she likes you and you don’t get how angry it makes me seeing that you go along with it.” I said.

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