Chapter Five

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"Jack said he wants to bring Nicole with him forth rest of the tour, he really likes her."

“Are you serious?! Oh my God I can’t wait!” I shrieked.

“Yup,” He continued. “I don’t know what you’ve done to the two of us to get us to like you so much, but I like it.” He kissed me.

Mike and Jaime came from the back yelling “EWWWWWWWWWW! Save it for later.”

Vic and I giggled. 

“Where’s Tony?” Vic asked.

“He’s still sleeping,” Jaime said. “What’s the plan for today?” 

“First, we’re gonna get Nicole and Daniella’s stuff from Brooklyn, then we have the rest of today and tomorrow to chill.”

“Nicole’s coming too!” Mike said excitedly. “Yessss! She’s so chill.”

“Jack’s bringing her.” Vic responded.

“Nice.” Jaime said.

I finished Vic and I finished our coffee and went back to lay down in his bunk while Jaime and Vic watched a movie. Tony was finally awake and eating cereal.

Vic gave me clothes to wear since I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I loved wearing his sweatshirt. It’s like I had a part of him with me while I 

“You’re so cute.” I said to Vic as he laughed.

“No, that’s you.” He said as he looked deeply in my eyes and kissed me. 

The rest you can figure out yourself(;

It was four o’clock and I met Nicole and Lauren at the catering hall. Lauren told us Austin asked her to come tour, also. She said no, she didn’t want to be that far away from home. Nicole told us about Jack asking her, even though I already knew because of Vic. We ate and then we met up with Jack and Vic and got in my car and drove back to Brooklyn. We dropped of Lauren, Jack and Nicole so Nicole could pack then we went back to my house to pack. 

I asked my mom to drive us back to the venue where the buses were so I could leave my car at home. We got back to the buses and unloaded the car.

I up my stuff in one of the empty bunks and changed out of of Vic’s sweatpants and put on shorts, but kept on his sweatshirt just cause I loved the way it felt. 

We stayed in the bus and watched movies all day. It was amazing. I wanted to ask Vic so many questions, I barely knew him but I practically moved in with him and slept with him. I mean we did talk about a lot yesterday but there was still so much I wanted to know. 

“Can I ask you a question?” I looked at him. 

“Sure.” He said.

“How many girls have you been with?” I asked hesitantly.

He looked at me with a blank face. “I’ve only had two serious girlfriends, I was just too busy with the band for it to work.”

“Oh.” I said.

“That’s why you’re here,” he said. “I want this to work, really badly. I really care about you, more than anyone else ever before.” We kissed. I tried to get up but he pulled me in closer. He kissed me again and I pulled away.

“Vic, we have to get ready.” I laughed. 

Nicole, Jack, Vic and I were all gonna go out to dinner tonight so we had to stop and get ready. I put on a black skirt, with a tan tank top and wedges. 

We walked down a couple of blocks to the restaurant and were seated right away.

“How stoked are you guys to be going on your first tour?” Jack said enthusiastically as he put his arm around and kissed her head.

Kissing In Cars: With Heaven Above You, There's Hell Over MeWhere stories live. Discover now