Chapter 1

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"Monique...Monique honey, can you hear me?" It is so bright...beep...beep...beep. Could someone please make that stop? Fade in, fade out. It's so dark now, I feel like I am rocking on a boat, swaying from side to side. It is making me feel sick. "Monique...Monique." What is wrong with this lady, why does she keep calling this girl? Who is Monique? I slowly open my eyes, and then close them because the brightness of the light burned them. I tried opening them slowly again so I could see what was happening and this time they managed to open wide. "There we go." The doctor says, clapping her hands along with other people that I assume were doctors as well, since they were all wearing blue scrubs and face masks. I was just about to ask one of them why I was here when all of a sudden I heard a commotion coming from my right. "Sir, we told you, that you couldn't be in here." I heard someone say. It took a couple of seconds before I saw who the doctor was talking too and that's when I saw a male figure; tall with short, curly brunette hair that curled over is forehead and pale body. That was approaching where I lay and he grabbed one of my hands quickly and held it in his. "Holy crap Monique you had me worried sick, are you alright?" I stare at him confused. So I am the Monique the doctor was shouting at. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I ask. The guy looks at me confused now and before he could answer someone comes and begins dragging him away. "Mr. Colmenro she just woke up, give her some time." The person dragging him back says. "Give her time? She's been in a comma for two months and doesn't know who the hell I am!" I pull myself up on the hospital bed and watch as he tries to break free of the women's grasp. "It's Carlos, Monique!" Carlos? I have never heard that name before in my life and I have never seen him before either. "Um Okay." Is all I say before Carlos gets carried away. The doctor that was calling for me walks up to me minutes later holding a clipboard. She clicks her pen then looks down at me. "You had us all worried there Monique." "Why?" I shift uncomfortably in my bed and look down at my gown. The doctor smiles a bit but I don't smile back. "What happened to me?" The doctor's smile fades away and she looks up from her clipboard with a concern gaze. "You don't remember?" I shake my head no. "Okay I am going to ask you a series of questions Monique, answer them as best as you can." I swallow hard and nod slowly. "Okay." She holds her clipboard back to her face and begins:

"Do you know who you are?"


"Monique who?"

"I don't know"

"Do you know the city you're in?"


"Do you know your parents' names?"


"Do you remember that man that was in here?"


The doctor stopped and exited my room quickly without a single word about what was going on. I feel like a new born that has just entered the world of the living not knowing anything, not knowing anything about myself, not capable of doing really anything except speak. I don't even know my own parents for god sakes. What the hell happened to me? What was my life like before I lost my memories? Did I deserve it? I fall back onto my bed and sigh. What color are my eyes even? And where am I from? I place my arm in front of my face and raise my eyebrows out of surprise. I'm black? Sweet, so there is a 95% chance my eyes are brown. Now that answers one question. "How old am I?" Now that is another question. I continue checking myself out for what seems like the first time and I have found some pros and cons to my body.

Big ass...Pro of course

Medium sized again

Long, layered black hair with the right side shaved. I have side bangs that were flipped over my

Possibly brown eyes...Con I would prefer blue eyes.

"Holy shit is that a tattoo?" I say out loud to myself.

"You have three actually." I jump startled. It was Carlos. I didn't say anything to him I just watched as he walked over to where I lay. "May I?" He asks, I think he was asking me if he could show me my tattoos and I nod slowly. He slid down my gown off my shoulder and took out his phone. He took a picture of it and showed it to me. I liked it. It was pretty and cool. I wasn't sure what it was, it kinda resembled a big flower with a bunch of things attached to it and below there was a poem I think, but I couldn't read what it says. "What does the poem say?" I look up at Carlos to ask. His brown eyes store into mine and they looked kind of pretty. "Fate controls who walks into your life, but you decide who you let walk out, who you let stay and who you refuse to let go." Carlos says. "What does it mean?" I ask and this time he doesn't answer, so I don't say anything. We just stare at each other. I feel bad for not remembering him, he seems like he played a really important role in my life. He knows where my tattoos are. He shakes his head and turns my hand over. That's when I see the next tattoo. It was his name and another flower beneath it. I run my fingers over the cursive spelling gently. I have no idea why his name was on me, because clearly we are not engaged or married because we both had no rings on our fingers. "Are you my brother or something?" we did not look like we were the same ethnicity but one of us could be adopted or something. Once again he didn't answer; he just shook his head down at the ground and then showed me my final tattoo. This one was near my boob and under my shoulder. He took a picture of it for me because I couldn't really see it. It looked like Chinese words; there were three patches of them. "爱牺牲活"

"What do they mean?" I ask. "I don't know I asked you and all you told me was that it was in Chinese and well I don't speak Chinese." I smiled and nodded my head. I will figure it out later because I do not know what it means either. Eventually Carlos had to leave, because we heard the clicking and clucking sounds of the doctor's heels. The doctor just asked me a few more questions to see how serious this problem was, like:

"Do you know your age?"

"Uh 18?"

"You're 22"

"What are you majoring in."



Once again I failed every single question that I was asked, so she did a few tests on me and I don't think that they went so well. I have no idea who I am, I am completely blank. Though I do remember how to speak so that's good right? It's been hours since I've seen Carlos. He can give me answers on who I am because he seems like he knows everything about the 'forgotten me.' In a few minutes I am going to be pulled away into another room to have one final test, an MRI to see if I am missing anything in my brain or whatever. Apparently they did surgery on my brain the day that I was brought in, hence being the reason to the shave in the right side of my head. So they just want to double check with this MRI. This is really serious, like what the hell happened, did I get in a car accident and smashed my head through the glass? Or did I get hit by a car and hit my head off the cement? Like if someone could give me some answers here then that would be great. "Monique." The doctor says startling me. This is something that every keeps doing. Startling me.


"Ready to go?"

"Yup." I already changed into the clothes that Carlos had brought me. It was black leggings and a beige peplum top with a black, lace floral pattern on the top. Then for shoes I got black flip flops. I get up with my head held high, praying that everything will be okay, because I want to remember everything, I hate feeling all blank and empty. I am oblivious to those that are close to me and not close to me. I just want everything to go back to the way they were whatever that was.


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