Chapter 7

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For three weeks I have gotten to know Elena and Dylan better. Also I got to have more alone time with Carlos and Kristian and I have been able to avoid talking about our little incident during hide and go seek. I guess we have both decided to forget that it happened. So for these past weeks it's been a routine...


Carlos is at school

Kristian pounds on my door at 9 am saying "Come on sleeping beauty I'm bored." I groan really loud and pull my pillows over my ears. "Screw off." I would yell and he would continue pounding on my door and ordering me to get up onto half hour I give in and throw open my door pissed off. "Damn, you look like shit." He'd say. I give him a look of disgust and shove him out of my way. "My breakfast better be on the table or I will kill your ass." "I guess it's a good thing I hid all the knives then."

Right after we both ate, we would head to Elena's crib and we would swim, watch movies, play pool and play drunken games. Than when it became almost time for Carlos to come home, Kristian and I would race out to the beach behind the mansion, shoving each other out of each other's way and surf. We laughed a lot on Mondays. Mondays were my favorite days.


Kristian goes to school.

Carlos doesn't wake till 10 and once he's up he studies till 1 and then he searches for me. We would play chess until I got frustrated with him beating me and then we would go for a walk around a forest that was about five minutes from the mansion, I loved our walks, I got to enjoy the fresh air and get out where I could feel real earth and be at one with nature. I even take off my shoes when we are deep enough in the forest, so I could feel the dirt beneath my toes.

The difference between both Carlos and Kristian is that Carlos gets who I was and Kristian gets who I am. Carlos is deep when he talks, Kristian could care less. Carlos likes to hold onto hope, whereas Kristian likes to take risk.

Right after our usual walks, Carlos and I would curl up on the couch and watch horror films in the dark until I fell asleep.


Both Carlos and Kristian have classes.

I wake up at eleven and go down stair to breakfast that Leo had so kindly made to my liking. After I finished eating I would go bug Leo by helping clean and then I would consistently try to make conversation until I realize that Leo has had enough of me. So I go try and bug George but he would either tell me stories about his family or funny jokes that he had come up with. I would sit down by the gate in the grass next to him and he would go on until his break time came.

After that I'd call Elena and Dylan and have them come over. We would play video games till our finger hurt, while talking about whatever crazy topic we decide to talk about. By the time Kristian and Carlos arrive, I am tired as hell. Kristian usually doesn't say hi to me because he is just bipolar like that and Carlos is usually too tired to hang so we all head up to our rooms and crash for the day.


Carlos is at school.

Kristian doesn't bang on my door on Thursdays. We both wake up at around 11 with bags hanging under our eyes and our faces full of fatigue. "You look like shit." I'd say. "Shut up." He'd say back and we would descend down the stairs together.

We were too tired to surf on Thursdays so we would lay on the floor in my room asking each other would you rather questions. His questions were disgusting whereas mine were like serious. His were like:

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