Chapter 20

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Round and round and round they go in a synchronizing motion. Keeping each other in balance, because without each other they cannot survive; by 'they' I mean the koi fish. The most extraordinary animal I have ever seen. They are the most elegant of the many Japanese species or any specie that is. Ironically one was black and one was white, forming a yin yang type of thing. It was soothing watching them turn and turn, not making me as dizzy as you'd think I'd be as I've been watching them and feeding them for hours. Perk to Koi fishes, well they eat basically anything; although they stopped excepting the shit that I threw at them about an hour ago. So I have just sat back at the edge of the pond with my knees tucked into my chest and cast off. I wanted to get away from everyone and everything. First of all, my father just shows up out of nowhere, claiming that he has been trying to protect me...but he has been far away starting his new clan while everyone else thought he was dead. Next Dylan is on my case about this fighting shit saying how I should stop because it could get me killed...then who the hell is going to find her brother? Most certainly not the damn cops, that's for sure. Then there is the whole her seeing me almost kiss Kristian or Kristian almost kiss me incident, now that was awkward as hell for all of us, one being that he is her ex and her brother is my boyfriend. Oh and last is Kristian. The fact that I may have feelings for him and how I am only really recalling memories of him, also the thing that Dyl said about him getting even has me worried that he is just playing me. But I don't know. "Can I join you?" I turn my head to the side and spot my father and roll my eyes. Just when I though my day couldn't getting any worse.

"No." I harshly say, though he sits anyways, right next to me. I do not dare look at him; I just continue to stare at the Koi's as they continue to encircle in the pond in unison. "When you were a kid," My father begins, and I wanted to just tune him out because of how pissed off I still was at him but he is talking about a memory of me, in which I was kind of interested in hearing about since I still don't really remember shit. "You used to run around this pond plenty of times and one day you slipped and fell right in." Now this got my attention, I lift my head from knees and look right at my father who was smiling as he remembers the memory. "Little did you know, the pond is deeper than it appeared to be and you did not know how to swim yet."

"Uh how old was I?" I ask.


"How did I get out?"

"I saw you fall in and jumped right in and pulled you out." Now this story was pretty lame, did he expect me to get all sentimental because he saved my life? Congratulations to him then, for being father of the year.

"So I am guessing you were my hero after that and I was super thrilled to have my father, well that was then before you left me for dead." I stand up and get ready to leave but my father grabs me by my hand for the second time today.

"Actually you were infuriated with me."

"What?" That didn't make any sense to me, maybe he was lying. Why would someone, especially a kid get mad for being saved from a near death experience? I was probably petrified when I fell in.

"You asked me why I rescued you and I said because you couldn't swim...and then you pushed me aside and yelled these exact words. 'I can take care of myself!' and walked away."

"I guess you should have listened then." I've had enough of reminiscing the past that I cannot remember with my so called father. I pushed myself off the ground and began to walk away. I heard the sound of a twig crack behind me and I immediately turned around and saw my father charging at me with a boa in hand. I stopped the boa in the air from hitting me with my hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, looking back and forth between the Boa over my head and my father.

"Not letting you walk away this time, you may think that you can take care of yourself but not from what's coming Modesté."

I scoff at his words, still holding the boa in place over my head.

"And what exactly is coming father?"

"The people out to get us, their clan is called The Purgators and believe me they are well trained. Their leader, his name is Kai. I haven't seen him because he and his people always hide behind masks, but he is very powerful. He knows that you are strong as well; he already tried killing you multiple times, but clearly hasn't succeeded."

"No thanks to you."

"Look Modesté, they are going to keep going after the people you love until they get you, and believe me when I tell you that you are not ready to face Kai."

"Well then since you seem to have the answer for everything, how the hell am I going to defeat Kai then."

"You used to be one of the most powerful assassins, but ever since you lost your memories you forgot a lot of techniques."


"So let me and my men teach you, help you."

I push the boa away from me and turn my back to him again. I recall how back at the fashion house, that guy nearly killed me because I wasn't strong enough. How Carlos got taken because I wasn't smart enough to figure out that they'd been distracting me to get to him, or how I wasn't fast enough to save Elena. For all I know Dylan or Kristian could be next. I run my hand through the half of hair that I had, unable to decide what I should do. Then I realize that not siding with my father would be selfish. Working with him could save my friends, and I can't be willing to risk their safety because I have daddy issues. So turn back around to face my father.

"Fine, but I am only doing it to get Carlos back faster and keep my friends safe." I respond. My father doesn't say anything after; instead he grins wide and walks me back to the massive mansion. 

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