Chapter 13

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I try to open my eyes but everything looked all blurry. My ears were popping and all I could hear were faint screams and this buzzing sound that sort of over lapped over the distant cries. I lay on my back, surrounded by toppled concrete and dry wall. I moved my head to one side and tried opening my eyes a little wider and I saw more dry wall. The ground was covered in the powder coming from the walls. I turn my head to the other side and spot Kristian lying on the ground unconscious. What the hell is going on? Did someone honestly just blow up Kristian's room? I let my eyes close for a bit, because I couldn't feel any of my libs nor anything on or in head. The powder that was inside the walls covered my face and my body. My breathing rate began to decrease and I started panting as if I just ran like the 20 mile run. I heard another blow come but this time it wasn't at the room it was somewhere lower. This can't be happening; this must be a really bad dream so I continue to keep my eyes closed and I try to wake myself from this world war 3 nightmare that I am having right now. I open my eyes again slowly and this was still happening. I turn my head to the side where Kristian was laying and he was still not moving. "Kris..." I whisper, no answer. "Kristian." I say a little louder and still nothing. I guess this means that I have to get him, before another explosion hits this room. I drag myself over to where Kristian was, still having the ringing sensation going throughout my ears. I slowly placed one hand in front of the other, pulling myself closer and closer to where Kristian lay. Almost there. Once I arrive, I gaze at Kristian 's unconscious body. I pat him down from head to toe trying to spot any injuries or bleeds. There was one on his side near his abdomen, so I quickly removed his shirt and tore it with the strength that I was starting to gain back. I tied the ripped shirt around him and over his wound, to stop the bleeding for a bit. Then I lifted him up and over onto my shoulders, using the fireman carry. Carlos was right I am pretty strong, it's strange, tiny me carrying a guy who is very much taller than me and must weigh more than me. My ears stopped ringing and I could hear the screams from all the body guards clearly. The explosions stopped and now bullets are being fired, machine guns were pounding out there and I wouldn't be surprised if whoever was outside is suddenly inside now. I move quickly but cautiously, I got to find Leo and I have to get us all to the garage. Now. "Leo," I try yelling over the noise. But I don't know if he heard or not, so I head down the stairs and head towards the kitchen, which was the last place I saw him. There he was clutching his arm to his chest and limping through the kitchen. "Miss Monique." Leo grunts with relief and quickly limps over to where I was. "I am so glad you are okay Leo, now could you please explain to me what the hell is going on?" I asked, panting now because Kristian was starting to feel heavy, perched over my shoulders. "I am as bewildered about this situation as you are Miss Monique, I have no idea what is going on." Leo pants as well. I look down at his arm and notice that it was bleeding. We need to get the hell out of here fast, but how the hell are we supposed to do that when there are people shooting all over the mansion. I begin to think, fast. Seconds later I figure something out. "Leo are there any guns here?"

"Only the guards carry guns."

"Shit..." I mutter under my breath. Then I guess I am going to have to do this the hard way. I carefully slide Kristian off my shoulders and lay him down on the ground. His blood was seeping through the shirt and I bite down on my lip in panic. "Leo, go back in the kitchen and get me as many knives as you can." "Miss Monique where are you going and what in heavens are you up too?"

"No time to explain, just please get the knives." Leo nods and limps back inside the kitchen.

I run back up the stairs and crawl inside my room, trying to avoid the bullets that were being shot through my window. I crawl under my bed grabbing the sword that Carlos had given me and hurry back out. Once I was with Leo and Kristian again, I grab three out of the six knives from Leo, placing one in my right sock, one in my left song and I held the other one in one hand while my other hand gripped the sword. "Miss Monique this is crazy, you cannot go out there, you are going to get yourself killed." "Don't worry about me Leo, if I don't do it then they will kill you and me and Kris."

"And if anything happens to you and I live to tell it then master Carlos will kill me." I laugh and give Leo a quick hug and smile. "Trust me, I will be okay. Just watch Kristian, I will be back in a bit." Leo grips onto my arm and looks me in the eyes before releasing me. I need to get to the garage and there are definitely people inside the mansion already. I round the corner heading towards the living room and hear footsteps coming from behind me. I don't hesitate and turn around real fast and whip the knife that I had in my one hand at my follower. He was holding a gun in his hands, so I guess it was a good thing I have quick reflexes. The guy dropped to the ground with the knife pierced in his skull and I am just about to sprint off towards the garage but hear the sudden call of my name. I whip my head around and see Leo with a now conscious Kristian who had one of his arms wrapped around Leo's shoulders. I rush over to Kristian and hug him. "I am so glad that you are semi-okay." I say, and Kristian just smiles. "He insisted that we'd catch up to you so we wouldn't slow you down." Leo says and I nod out of understanding. "Okay we are almost there." I reassure them. I help Leo and wrap my arm around Kristian while he draped his arm over my shoulders. Together we limped throughout the halls and I stopped each time I heard an intruder and either slayed them with my sword or whipped a knife at them. We continued this pattern till we arrive at the garage door. "We made it." I announced and both Leo and Kristian cheered. I remove Kristian's arm from around me to open the door and when I do we are bombarded by guns being fired. "Get down!" I yell and immediately Leo drops with Kristian following behind. "Leo get Kristian to a car now." I order and Leo nods fearfully. "And what about you." Kristian wheezes.

"There's no time, you are losing a lot of blood, don't worry about me, I am coming." I rush off, dodging bullets doing tricks that I didn't even think that I was even capable of doing. It was as if I was in one of those video games that Kristian and I would play, where the guy with the gun would hop over cars and somersault between them, shooting at the enemy as he moved so swiftly. So stealthily. I could feel both Leo and Kristian's eyes piercing through the back of my skull even though I specifically told them to get the hell out of here. This garage was as big as a basement floor in a building, where they kept all the cars. There were pillars everywhere and cars that were aligned all across the garage. I'd just thrown my last knife at a guy that was firing rapidly in my direction but had not managed to make a direct hit.

"She's a girl! How the hell have none of you even touched her?" I heard someone shout. "She's a Claire, why the hell do you think?" Someone else yells. I'm a Claire What the hell is that supposed to mean? I continue sprinting through the garage, hopping cars, trying to avoid the bullets that they shot. I side jumped from pillars when I need to and wall jumped when I hit a dead end, doing a solid back flip and landing on my feet. I drop to the ground behind a car and let the bullets hit it. "Modesté, there is nowhere else to go and you are outnumbered. Come quietly and we will make your death painless." I roll my eyes. "Some offer." I mutter under my breath. I grip my sword tight in one hand and listen as the men slowly approached where I hid. My feet ached from all that running and jumping, my feet enjoyed the ground but not the cold, rock solid cement. As they got closer, my heart rate quickened and I counted in my head. Once they were inches from the car, I turned around and leaped over it, throwing my sword straight through a blond's chest and I jumped on the car and leaped right off it, round house kicking midair another guy. He was instantly knocked out. I landed on the ground and dodged a punched that was instantly fired at me. I grabbed this Asians hand, twisting it and punching him square in the face. There was another guy who tried sneaking up on me but my foot was already in contact with his chest, sending him flying through the air. My hair undid itself from its pony tail, drooping all over my face. I flipped it up and yanked my sword out of the person I just cabbed and swung behind me one more time, piercing another person in the chest.

I panted loud and gazed around at all the bodies I'd just filled the garage with. Then I turn to search for Leo and Kristian and there they were, meters from me, watching me in astonishment, surprise and a little bit of fear. "Holy shit..." I hear Kristian mutter. I rub the back of my neck embarrassed. "C'mon Leo, let's get Kristian to the hospital." I run over to where they stood and helped Leo shove Kristian into a four seated, blue Chevy Camaro. Leo stands outside the passenger door and I frown. "Leo I can't drive remember..." Leo looks at me surprised, probably wondering how someone who just took on twelve guys with guns can't drive. "Memory loss remember..." I sigh as I say. I watch as Leo has his little 'Ah ha' moment and we both switch side and hop in the car, hurrying off to a hospital before Kristian passes out.


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